We've all been there. We’ve all had a day when something didn't go right. Maybe…
We feel like we're in a mood, and we're down. All we want to do is cancel everything in our day and just do nothing. Well, that's not always a possibility. Even when we have the time and space, it's not necessarily how you want to be functioning. These are quick tips to get you out of a mood so that you can continue your day. But I'm also not suggesting you ignore your feelings or just keep putting band-aids on a problem. There are other techniques to properly deal with the underlying nature and emotions that bring you into a mood because maybe some examples aren't even why you're in the mood, and you don't know why. You don't know what's causing you to be in a mood. That's okay, too. That happens. But sometimes, we have responsibilities and things we must do, and we don't have the privilege of time and space. Try out these three techniques. Let me know which one works best for you. They're the things that I like to do that move me out of a mood, at least temporarily. Quick tip #1: Give your feelings some space If you have just had something happen or feel like you're in a mood, give yourself a certain amount of time to be in that mood. It might be 15 minutes or an hour, but give your feelings space. What we definitely don't want to do is suppress our feelings and completely ignore them. If you're in a meeting and someone said something upsetting, or you're in the middle of a soccer game and you're frustrated, take that time. Maybe you excuse yourself during an office meeting and go into the bathroom for a few minutes to give yourself some space. I've done this on the soccer field before. I've asked for a sub just to get off the field because mentally, I'm in a mood, or someone ticked me off, or we've just had something, and I just can't perform at my best level at that moment, so I need some space. I don't come off and then talk with everyone. I come off, and I'm in my zone for a moment to just be able to deal with what's there. Giving feelings space could also mean for you…
We had a frustrating soccer game recently, and I re-injured my hamstring. It wasn't fully healed, and I did something that hurt it again. I was completely frustrated, so I called my husband before driving home and said, “Hey, heads up. We had a bad game. I'm injured. This is why the game was bad. This is how I got injured. When I get home, I don't want to talk about it anymore.” But that gave me the time to go home in the car, to have my own space with the feelings, and to allow them to move around and for me to move through them. We often have unwanted emotions. It’s ok. They're telling us something, and we just need to listen to them to be able to move through them. If we try to push them down, they’ll get bigger and worse. Quick Tip #2: Get moving The second tip is to get moving and, ideally, enjoy nature. Sometimes, when I'm frustrated by my day or can't focus anymore, I'll just say, “Diane, go for a walk.” My favourite place to go for a walk is in the forest. Walking in the forest calms me. Moving my body helps release endorphins and gets me in that feel-good place again. Now, I'm not always feeling 100% afterward, but at least it pulls me out of the mood slightly. Getting a little bit of that blood flow going really helps. In those moments, I make sure not to listen to a podcast. Music is okay as long as it's keeping me in the space, usually Christian music because I know it's going to be positive, and it's not going to be anything too heavy or with lyrics that will jar me. Maybe you're in a space where you can't do these things. Even in a building on a rainy day, you could go and walk stairs. I don't mean run stairs. I mean, walk stairs. You can even go and walk the floors. You could walk the parking lot, just getting your body moving. If you only have a few minutes, and you are physically able, maybe it's 10 jumping jacks. Just something to get your body going and to move you out of your head. You need a mood booster. Many people turn to donuts, cookies, alcohol, or caffeine drinks, but that isn't always the best choice in the long run. If you can get your body moving, it's going to help to pull your brain away from the moment and allow you to move physically from the negative mood that you were stuck in. Quick Tip #3: To do something you enjoy Something you enjoy could be reading, coloring, painting, listening or dancing to music, talking with a friend, or going to a gallery. The list goes on and on. But it's doing something you enjoy and not completely numbing your mind. This is not watching TV. It might be watching comedy because you want to laugh. But it's not scrolling aimlessly through social media. Have some intention about it. Is there something specific that you enjoy about social media or about TV? Then maybe that could be a good fit for you. Maybe you have a favourite show, comedy, or something that just makes you feel good. This is not binge-watching. This isn't about losing yourself in it. These are intentional activities that boost your mood. You could bake, cook, or sew. There are so many hobbies out there.
If you had a day off, what would you do with your time? You would not go and clean your house unless you really enjoy cleaning it. Hey, who am I to judge? Doing something you enjoy will naturally boost your mood and help you feel better. Even if you're like, “I don't have time. I have a business meeting, I have to get back to it,” could you have a phone call with a friend for a few minutes? Can you watch one positive video? Can you do one small thing that will help improve your mood? I know you can do it. Wrapping Up These are the three quick tips to get you out of a mood. Give your feelings space, getting you moving, preferably enjoying nature, and doing something you enjoy. If you have something that is a bigger mood, a long-lasting depression, anxiety or such, these tips are only going to give you brief relief. They are not going to get to the heart of what's going on with you. I do encourage you to get support, get a counselor, talk to your health care providers, have a coach, have something in place to bring you consistently up. Then you can tap into these quick tips to get you out of a mood because you're already at a higher baseline. These tips are things I do when I've just had a rough time and especially before my family gets home. These are the things I try to do so that my family gets the better version of me, not the one that's going to take them down. They'll get the wife, and mother that has the opportunity to show up as they need me to be. Taking that time is important. Sometimes, I'll say to my hubby, “I just need to go for a walk. I need some space.” Going for a walk in nature actually checks off all of these tips: it gives my feelings some space, gets me moving, and I really enjoy being in the forest. If you want to discuss this further and get some coaching support, you can email me at [email protected] or reach out to me on any of the platforms where I am. Comment below with some other quick tips to get out of a mood! Read my other blogs: 1. 3 Ways You’ll Get Left Behind by NOT Being an Author 2. How to Boost Your Confidence 3. Steal My Strategy for Delegating
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