In this blog, I'm going to talk about the step you're missing on the way to achieving the success you want. It's funny because it's the final step, and it's the overlooked step. A lot of times in life, we have so many things we want to achieve in so many different areas of life. Yet, do you know what we forget? We forget the part that's the most fun, the part that's actually the most crucial to capturing the learning, locking in the feeling and building our confidence. What is it? It’s celebrating and making a big deal out of an achievement. I'm going to give you an example that kind of sparked this conversation for us today. My daughter’s baseball game My daughter plays baseball. Will she one day play professionally? Will she get all expenses paid scholarship for university? That’s not the goal. It’s about having fun and getting the benefits of playing organized sports. But she's not going to be the MVP of every game. She's in it because she's having fun. She's got friends there. She is pushing herself athletically. She's getting all the benefit. We feel like she's already won in that regard. But one game, recently, she caught a hit that was above her head. If you can imagine in baseball, even if you haven't played, you know that when someone catches the ball, and when it's straight hit from the batter, and they catch it, the player is automatically out. It was a pretty big hit. It was going to go into the outfield, and she put up her glove, she caught it. Yay, win number one! But then, she was standing between second and third, keeping it super simple for my non-baseball friends here, so the runner from second was going to third. She caught the ball, brought it down into her glove, and tagged the runner from second to third causing them to be out as well. It was a double play by her, solely her. This is a pretty big deal, especially at her level. Double plays don't happen very often. If they do, they're in a combination of different players, one passing to another, throwing to another. For one person to get a double play, it doesn't happen very often. There's not as much play when you're 12 years old and playing in the under thirteen's. But we wanted to make a big deal out of this. At the end of the game, I said to her, “Wow, that was an amazing double play. We need to celebrate.” She's like, “Oooh, what's that mean?” I said, “Well, we’ll celebrate! You can get something from the concession stand. We could get a McFlurry from McDonald's, or we could go get whatever you wanted at Dairy Queen.” She said, “Oh, can I get a blizzard?” “Of course, family blizzards”. We as a family after the game went to have blizzards in her honor. You may think, “Oh, no big deal. She didn't win the championship. She wasn't MVP. But for us, it was important for us to make that into a big deal – a celebration. You might be judging, “Well, that's not very healthy to be giving ice cream.” Whatever. We wanted to mark this special occasion and have her be the center of our attention for this moment based on this extraordinary performance – and ice cream is special for kids. Yes, we talk about committing to the team and playing well and doing your best and all that. But that was a special moment. When I think back, I remember the times when others celebrated me, and I was celebrated for what I did. My hope is this is something that sticks in her memory. You know what the fun thing was? She started hitting better the next game. She started being more confident as a player in the next game. Since then, she has become a higher-level player. Other people are noticing her confidence in the field and her ability. She's caught more balls. Now instead of this surprised face that she did on that double play, she's loving it. She's really embracing this kind of new level of success for her – and I see the celebration made a huge difference. Time to ask yourself It made me think, how often do you make a big deal about yourself or allow others to make a big deal for you out of common everyday occurrences?
Now every time it doesn't have to be “Hey, family, we're going for blizzards.” But could it be, “Ah, that's amazing. I'm going to go sit in the forest or I'm going to go walk on the beach because that's what I love to do.” Celebrating Boosts Your Confidence Do you actually celebrate? Because doing that action of celebrating will give you exactly what it gave my daughter. It will boost your confidence because you are being honoured for something good you did or for being able to get over a hard time. Your confidence and belief in yourself will go up, and that's huge. Also, your self-efficacy, the belief that you can do hard things or that you can apply yourself to different situations, will go up. What I've seen with clients is the ability to transfer achievements and skills. Your self-efficacy transfers over to you believing you can do things in other areas of life. I believe the confidence my daughter gained by being honoured for that achievement is going to carry over to other areas of her life as well, which is so exciting. Think of what can happen for you if you were to also do that. The next time you're doubting yourself, you'll be reminded of how it felt to be in that moment when you were celebrated. Your self-esteem, in general, will increase as well. The way you view yourself as a winner, or as an achiever, or as someone who can do good things, whatever you want to call it. That's going to help you when you're in the valley of another goal, the hard part of another achievement, or in another area of life, that feels hard. That's going to help you not get stuck because you're going to say, “I can do this. I can get through this.” You're going to be able to look over the waves, look past the storm, to the place where you say, “I'm going to get there. I've done this before, not in the same area of life or situation. But I've been through hard things. I can do this.” Celebrate your success Unfortunately, people don't celebrate their successes. They don't acknowledge any milestones or achievements, and they just barrel past to the next goal. I'll tell you, you're missing this crucial step. Celebrating is such a crucial step. That's why we have a launch party every time we do a collaborative book. Now, the first time we had a launch party, both in British Columbia and in Ontario, because the majority of the authors were there, and then with COVID, we started to do virtual book launch parties. The reason why we continue to do virtual is because our authors are from all over the place. It makes more sense because we can't bring everyone together and I want everyone to be celebrated by having a virtual party, not just a book launch, but a party! (Sidenote: Doors are open for authors for Leadership Secrets, the fourth book in the Dynamic Women Secret series.) What I found with the launch parties is that is when people actually felt like an author. That's when they stepped into that place of, “Whoa, I actually did this. I wrote something, and I put out a book.” Even if they're not the ones who published the book, and they didn’t layout the book, or edit it, and all that stuff because we do all that: they felt so great as an author. They got to feel like authors, and that exact moment they held the book was super powerful. But the moment they were honoured at a party, that's when they really got to step into being the author. If you want to feel that next level of success, that additional title, that credibility, that expert status, you need to celebrate that moment. The holding of the book was one moment for people to celebrate, but the next was publicly being honoured. For you, what I hope is that you look at the moments where you've done well and write down what you learned. Ask yourself these questions:
You can use my Dynamic Year Journal. It prompts you every week to record your achievements and lessons learned, as well as a bunch of other things that will help you have the most dynamic year. But this is crucial. Celebrating is crucial for you to move forward faster. I've mentioned confidence, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the ability to persevere to the next goal, but also to achieve more faster because in that celebration piece, when you claim that title, you claim what you have accomplished, and you move yourself to that next level. This is crucial. It is crucial for your growth and for you to reach more goals to maximize the time that you do have. I'd love for you to be part of the next book. We will celebrate you and honour you with a book launch party, and we will have a lot of fun in the process. This week, look at how you can celebrate something you've achieved in any area of life. Read my other blogs:
The Signs of Being an Imposter and Strategies to Prevent Yourself from Feeling like a Fraud.6/19/2024 In my previous blog, I shared the six common factors that can cause you to feel like a fraud. As promised, today, I’ll share the common signs of being an imposter and the strategies you can use to prevent yourself from feeling like a fraud. Common signs of being an impostor If you're not sure if you are feeling like a fraud, then let's look at some common signs of being an impostor. 1.) Overwork You may overworked and be doing it on purpose. You take on more work to compensate for feeling inadequate. 2.) Attributing success to luck Do you attribute your success to luck rather than skill? You find yourself saying, “No, I just got lucky. Right place. Right time. Great team.” You don't actually just receive acknowledgment. Do you give your success to others? 3.) Fear of being found out Do you have a fear of being found out? For example, that people will find out that it's your first time writing a report or taking on a big client? Or you're waiting for that email where the client will say. “Actually, no, I don't want to work with you anymore” because you feel like that's coming. These are some signs that maybe you are feeling like a fraud. What I’ve seen When I put out the Dynamic Women Success Secrets book with 52 other authors, it was fascinating because a lot of the authors didn't want to promote the book. I asked, “Why not? This is a big accomplishment.” I didn’t get a clear answer. When it came to the party, not only were many of the authors not inviting their family, friends, network, clients—they weren't even going to show up themselves. That was shocking for me because I was thinking, “This is a major accomplishment. You need to be there. We want to celebrate you and have you autograph the books.” Eventually, I learned from some of the authors that they didn't feel like real authors for many reasons.
In your life, maybe in some place, you feel like a fraud. Maybe you're hiding things. Maybe your career isn’t what you want it to be. Maybe your marriage isn't that great, and you're hiding that because there's no right place for you to share it. That's okay. I encourage you, though, to go find somewhere where you can share about these. With my coaches and the ones who support me in a really deep way, I joke with them and say, “I think I just pay you to hear me cry.” Because when I go to them, I bring my mess. I bring the rawness. I bring the pieces that are the hardest for me to handle so that I can be magnificent in the world. I'm not going to divulge every single little thing that I'm struggling with. But that helps me to be able to be real with you about things I'm going through. If you feel like a fraud and are not being real about how you feel, please make sure you have someone in your life who can support you. Strategies to prevent yourself from feeling like a fraud. I'm going to discuss some strategies for getting over feeling like a fraud and some real solutions so you can start stepping into the confidence of being in that position. Here are the three main things: Strategy #1: Change your mindset. Anytime you have these negative beliefs, limiting beliefs, saboteurs that come up, you need to challenge what they're saying to you. For example, if these authors’ saboteurs said, “You're not really an author,” then challenge that. “Am I really an author? Yeah, my book is on Amazon. I have a book in my hand. I'm autographing the book. My name is in the book. I am an author.” Challenge the negative thoughts. If you think you didn't write something worth reading, ask someone. “What do you think about what I wrote?” Ask me, “Diane, why did you put me in the book? What did you think about my piece?” Get that feedback so you can overcome those negative thoughts. Practice some self-compassion Treat yourself with some kindness. Be like, “Okay, I feel a little bit off here. I feel like I maybe don't belong here.” I've had those thoughts, maybe being at a party where everyone is wearing all the top brands and talking about facelifts or botox or whatever. I'm like, “Well, I definitely don't fit in here. I've got some work to do, or things to buy before I can.” Then I just gave myself some kindness and understanding that I am who I am. I don't have to be like everyone else. Being myself, I can speak freely as myself and I don't need to pretend that I'm anything else. Celebrate your achievements. I talked about this a lot, especially in the Dynamic Year program and the Dynamic Year journal, because by writing down every week all your achievements and positive feedback that you get from others in that journal, you're going to start to lock it in your brain that you're pretty amazing. There are all these reasons why you’re amazing. Instead, a lot of times we're looking at finding all the negative reasons why we're not that amazing. But if you have all of these really great reasons why you're great and have accomplished, you start to build that confidence. Strategy 2: Seeking some support. I've already kind of mentioned this a bit. Have people in your life where you can be real, and you don't have to feel like a fraud. You have friends, obviously, but then make sure you have some professional friends if you're in a career, make sure you have mentors at work, who you can get support from, who can help you when you do feel like a fraud. For example, you say, “I have to give this presentation. I've never given this type of presentation. I've never worked with this high-end client type before. Can you help me? Can you look things over? Can you give me feedback?” Then, have a coach or someone who can help you through these feelings. They will be able to call out your brilliance, give you valuable perspectives that you can use, and they’ll reassure you. I have people and coaches in my life whom I can reach out to and say, “Tell me why I'm awesome. Tell me I can do this.” I get in those places where I think that the first step didn't go very well, so this next thing won't either. You need people to cheer you on. If you don't believe in yourself, hire people who do. That's going to really make it easier. Plus, when you're part of a group, or you have a coach who can support you, they can also give you strategies. They can also be good brainstorming partners. They can also share their experience of how they did things, and even how they were worried about something. Strategy 3: Be practical Potentially, you're not going to be on the New York Times bestseller list with your very first book. The very first video you make, you're not going to get a Grammy for it. You're not going to go viral on your first video. Some people will, but most people won’t. Set realistic expectations for yourself because it's not going to all be perfect. You're not going to be mastering something the very first time. Just focus on continuous learning one step after another.
If you have a disappointment, grab the learning from it and just grow from it. Anytime you have to face challenges, it's not a challenge, because you're a fraud. It's a challenge because you haven't experienced it yet. You haven't learned it yet. You can focus on this being a moment of, “Oh my gosh, they're going to find me out” or “Oh, wow, this is a cool opportunity for me to improve, for this to make me more competent and be able to master it.” Wrapping Up I just want you to remember that so many people experience feeling like a fraud or a fake. It's okay to feel this way. It's really normal to feel this way. Many times, every time I level up and get into a bigger pond and around bigger players, I feel like a fraud wondering, “Do I really fit in here? Am I really a high-income earner?” In the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) community, “Am I really someone who is a VIP level and gets to attend this event? Am I really this person?” Don't let that stop you from recognizing your true worth and value in the world. You're not alone. Many people have felt this in many parts of their lives, even at the top success levels, you're going to feel it. Don't think you've got to outgrow it. You're going to keep feeling it. You just need to put the tactics into place so that it doesn’t stop you. The key is to not let it define you. Yes, it's maybe a feeling of “Oh, I feel like a fraud.” You feel like a fraud, but you are not a fraud. If you're saying, “I'm a doctor,” and you're not really a doctor, then okay, yes, you're a fraud. If you say you're a coach, but you didn't take any training to be a coach, then you're a fraud. As long as you are authentically doing what you say you're doing, then that's fine. I encourage you to share. I would love to hear how you have felt like a fraud and where in your life. If you have other coping strategies, I'd love to know them as well. The Dynamic Women Global Community on Facebook is a really great place where we can support each other. You're going to be able to share those thoughts there. Share in the group how this blog has impacted you. And if it did, feel free to share this blog with someone who might benefit from it. I also wanted to make sure you heard that we're starting to put together the next collaborative book, Dynamic Women Leadership Secrets book. We are doing a call for collaborative authors right now. If you'd like to learn more about that, join our free info session on June 26. Save your spot here. If you feel like a fraud about being an author or writing a book, this is a great opportunity for you. Don't feel like a fraud. Put some of my strategies into place and stay dynamic! Read my other blogs: Have you ever felt like a fraud, a fake, or an imposter? In this blog, I’ll share the 6 common factors that cause you to feel like one. In my next blog, I will share the common signs of being an imposter and the things you can do to prevent yourself from feeling like a fraud Why you should care Well, because we are dynamic women, feeling like a fraud, a fake, or an imposter will stop you from reaching your goals. I want you to get rid of that nagging feeling of “I'm not really as competent as others perceive me to be.” Now, you may use the words “impostor syndrome.” It’s similar, but I'm going to talk a little bit more about feeling like a fraud. Do you feel like a fraud? Feeling like a fraud is holding us back. It's stopping us from achieving what we want. We shouldn't have to feel this way. I have personally struggled with feeling this way at different points in my career, life, as an athlete, and as a first-time mom. I know how isolating it can be to feel this way. I want to help you to stop feeling this way by understanding it better. As I said, you feel this way because you think you are not as competent as how other people see you, perceive you and view you. Maybe you feel you shouldn’t be on the pedestal that they put you on. This happens even though you've probably had accomplishments, experiences, or been chosen to be in that position. The funny thing is, that studies say that about 70% of people will experience this feeling at some point in their lives. Even high achievers, famous people or celebrities, and people who have won awards can feel like this. The 6 factors that can cause this to happen I’ll start with 3 Internal Factors:
You already have extremely high standards that you've either set for yourself, or other people have set for you. Maybe growing up, a parent, a coach, or a teacher gave high standards for you, so you feel like a failure when you're not absolutely perfect all the time. I can remember in high school, getting excellent grades, and always handed everything in. Somehow, I missed a homework assignment, so on my lunch break I was in the library trying to quickly get it done, knowing, I was not going to be able to get it completely finished perfectly. I started crying because I was like, “I'm going to lose a percentage because of this”. In the big scheme of things, it didn't matter, but at the time, perfectionism really hit me hard. 2. Fear of failure Another thing that could be making you feel like a fraud is a fear of failure. If you feel like, “I don't deserve the successes I've had,” you may go on to say, “I'm not going to be able to have these great results.” Being worried about not succeeding will cause you to lose confidence. You may feel that your previous good results came from luck or from other people's support rather than your own abilities. Low self-esteem or self-efficacy can also really impact how you feel and cause you to feel like a fraud. 3. Low self-esteem When you have low self-esteem, it can cause you to self-doubt to not believe that you're good enough. Brené Brown has researched that the number one limiting belief is “I'm not good enough”, even though you might have all the evidence to prove differently. I see this a lot in my programs as the #1 limiting belief. Those are some of the internal factors that could cause you to feel this way. Let's look at some external factors. 1. Society’s pressures and expectations of you What about society's pressures and expectations of you? How many times have you judged a mom for being on her phone on the playground? I'm sure you have, or kids that are on screens while they're at dinner. There are expectations of how we need to be in every single role in our lives, and if we don't meet those expectations, then we're not amazing, and we'll feel like frauds. The problem is everyone’s situation is different, and we wear so many hats that we can’t meet every expectation for every role.
2. Comparing ourselves to others Have you ever been scrolling, especially doom-scrolling on social media, and you see the perfect family in matching outfits? You see the amazing business owners with awesome successes happening in the business and all the money they're making? There's so much marketing BS out there about how much people are making and pretending that “Things just happened.” Successes don't just happen—they are made with strategy and work. I can remember in one of the presentations I do, I share a photo of my family. Everyone thinks, “Wow, such a perfect family.” The truth I always tell everyone is that it’s three photos that were digitally edited together to make sure that everyone was looking at the camera and smiling. There you go, I think I was the only original face and everyone else's was added in. When we compare ourselves to others, we feel like frauds because we don't know their backstory or everything else that's happened to help them get there. 3. Super competitive and unsupportive culture The last one is being part of a super competitive and/or unsupportive culture. This could be in your business network or workplace, where people point out the things you're doing wrong and make you feel inadequate. When others often tell you about your mistakes and shortcomings, it’s hard to see the accomplishments, growth, and skills you have. I wish we could all work in places where others are truly happy for your success rather than feeling the need to compete or cut you down. Wrapping Up Those are six factors that could be making you feel like a fraud. In my next blog, I will share the common signs of being an imposter and the things you can do to prevent yourself from feeling like a fraud. Plus, if you’re feeling like a fraud and think that you can’t be an author, then I’d love you to join my free webinar on June 18th where I’ll share with you all about the world of co-writing. It will explore your audience, establish your authority, and you’ll be able to leave a legacy. Save your spot here. Read my other blogs: 1. 3 Main Things to Look for in Collaborative Book Opportunities 2. What Are You Waiting For 3. 3 Ways You’ll Get Left Behind by NOT Being an Author Are you feeling like you have so much to do? In this blog, I’m going to share my strategy for delegating. I hope you steal it. I hope you use it. I hope you've stopped doing everything yourself. Recently, on my Instagram and Facebook stories, I talked about how we keep doing too much in our businesses. I'm speaking to you, the high-achieving, successful, A-type, driven woman who has a lot going on and who wants to achieve a lot. We're doing way too much in our businesses. What we need to do is get really good at delegating, give ourselves permission to release control, and bring someone on to help us out. If you didn't know yet, I actually have two main virtual assistants, Kristine and Karissa. They're absolutely amazing. I've been working with them for over three years. I'm so excited I get to meet them in September. I'm going to the Philippines when I'm over in Bali for the Global Speakers Summit, as well as maybe popping into Japan. (If you're in any of those places, let me know and let me know what I should see.) Anyway, let's go to the strategy. Let me share first what I see people doing. Then I'm going to share my 6P Process of Delegating. I also shared that in my stories and I was getting a lot of DMs about…
I discuss this with my clients in the Virtual Assistant Made Easy Program. As a side note, we have three spots open right now for people to come on and be matched with one of my virtual assistants. I have a team of 14. If you're interested in that, send me a message at [email protected]. Doors are closing this Friday, June 7, at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Message me, and we'll have a one-on-one chat about what you need and whether this is a good solution for you. What I see people do For a long time, I have heard people ask, “What should I delegate? Should I delegate my email? Maybe they can make some videos for me. What else should I delegate? I don't know. Maybe they can do some research or some cold calling.” They throw some tasks at their assistant, VA, contracted person, or whoever it may be. They give tasks that aren't actually what they need to be done to reach their goals. Not only that, but they don't already have a process or a standard operating procedure (SOP) for it. They're trying to reinvent the wheel, giving them some tasks to do, which aren't actually moving them forward in their business. I want to give you my 6 “P” Process of Delegating. I'm going to talk through each piece. I often share this when I'm doing a session about working with a virtual assistant in the VA Made Easy Program, and so if you're a client of mine, you have access to this as well. The 6 “P” Process of Delegating First P: Pause When should you pause? If you're starting to delegate, then you want to “pause” in the beginning. If you have already been delegating, you can also use this step of pausing anytime you get overwhelmed or too busy. Then, every quarter, you should plan to pause. Definitely do this at the start of a new year and any time anything has changed, or you bring on someone new. Why do we hit the pause button? Well, because we want to have that time to get a bird's eye view of how things are going, so we’re not scrambling, and so we can just take time to ask, “Is this what I should be doing right now?” You want to be thinking about that, right? You want to ask yourself,
These are some really great questions to answer. Then, after we pause, we plan. Second P: Plan Ask yourself:
The first piece is pause in order to just take a breath and to have clarity and time to figure out what the plan is. In the planning, then you look at, “What am I needing to do in order to reach my goals that I actually want to achieve?” not just things that you think you have to do. From there, you can then start to pass off work. Third P: Pass Off Ideally, you can pass off to someone on your team like a virtual assistant who. The benefit is they already know about your business and about you. There's less of a learning curve when you already have someone on your team. It's much easier to pass off tasks because you don't have to go find someone to do it. You already have someone there. You can pass off daily, weekly, monthly tasks and even better full systems! If you don't have someone already, we can have a conversation because I can match you with a virtual assistant who I've already vetted, hired, trained in many tasks, and who was already working with my CEOs. But once you pass off, the next P is “Protect”. Fourth P: Protect What are we protecting? Our time. We just cleared stuff off of our plate by passing it off to someone else. We want to protect our time. Not only that, but we want to make sure we're saying yes to things that will move our business forward and no to the things that are wrong for us and wrong for our business. The wrong tasks are other people's agendas, ones that take us away from what we already want to be achieving. It also doesn't mean that you go and organize your closet. Focus on what you need to use the time for the most. For example, if you need more clients, you go and do cash flow activities to bring on new clients etc. If you need to increase sales of your products, you're putting energy into that. Maybe it's the marketing or the copywriting. You're going to be able to put energy into the things that you need to do because your VA can take on tasks and take other “to dos” off your plate. One of my clients came to one of our monthly CEO calls. One of her wins was that she got three new clients the previous week. I said, “How'd you do that?” She said, “Well because my VA took on this one project, I was able to focus on following up with my leads.” Oh, my goodness, how amazing! She just followed up with leads and she got three clients. Imagine she'd been doing that earlier. How many more sales, recurring sales, or more clients could have happened? There may be a lot of leads who fell through the cracks because she wasn't on top of it. But now she gets to be because she is freed up because she protected her time to focus on the things that mattered most. Fifth P: Persist Now, why do you persist? Because I'll tell you, sometimes, when you pass things off, the results you get are not what you were looking for and it could be because you didn’t give good enough instructions. You'll learn from that. But you have to persist by giving them better instructions and by not saying, “Forget it, I'm going to do it myself.” Look again at your instructions. Make sure that you're giving feedback that will continuously help move your business forward. For example, don't just say, “I don't like that.” Give the feedback of “Why?” What's going on with it? What changes need to be made? So that they not only learn for this task, this project, this thing you're passing off, but they learn in general about how you want things done. If you said, “On this landing page, we always need a hook at the top. A question or something to draw in the person that is looking at this.” Now they know every landing page needs a hook. They know that because you've just taught them the what and why rather than just saying, “Put a question at the top.” We know what it's supposed to be. Now, they can apply that to every future task. Trust me, it gets easier. It gets so much easier when your virtual assistant can start thinking, “What does my client want? What are they looking for?” One of the most amazing parts with my team is watching how they have learned and how they call me out sometimes. When I say, “What about this?” They're like, “Hey, remember, we want to do this?” I'm like, “Right, right.” That persistence that you'll have will make things run so much smoother. Speaking of when thing run smoother, that gets into number six. Sixth P: Push Number six is you get to push on the gas pedal. This means that if your VA does a task well, then have them do it more. If they've done a bunch of social media posts for you, and you think, “Yes, you've got my brand. You've got the aesthetic. I like what you're doing with the quotes. You're learning how to pull them properly.” Push on the pedal. Have them do that more or weekly or create a system around it. You don't have to throw 10 or 100 new tasks at them now; just have them do more of the same. If they did five good posts, have them do 25 posts, 50 posts, 500 posts, and continue to do it to build that skill. Then more time and space will be freed up for you while you enjoy the results of their work. Why it’s a cycle That’s my 6 “P” Process of delegating. Then the reason why it goes back to pausing again is because things will get busy again. Now, why? Because…
Therefore, you need to pass off more. You need to give more of your tasks. When I have this feeling, I know I have to pass off more things. The great thing is because your VA and you have also persisted, they're getting faster and more efficient at their tasks. We can maximize their time and give them more because…
We can give them more tasks without having to add more hours a lot of the time. We get back to that Pause and we say,
We look at the plan again. Then we pass off more. We protect our time. We persist because these are new items we’re delegating. You can even pass off decision-making! The last time I paused, I realized I needed to pass off more decision-making to Kristine and Karissa. Since then, I’ve seen how they're doing an incredible job on this. But we had to persist a bit because decision-making is so dependent on the situation, and now I'm pushing on the pedal in a lot of cases. One of them just happened today. I said, “Hey, should we do this?” I got a response, “No, I don't think we should do this for XYZ reason.” It was amazing. I was like, “Yes, I agree.” In this 6 “P” process of delegating, I promise you'll become more efficient at delegating. You'll be able to maximize your team's time. You'll be able to open up more of your own time to be inspired, create, and do the things that have you in your zone of genius, your core competencies, and your sweet spot. That resonance, that energy will come up. As I said, we have three spots for Virtual Assistant Made Easy. You can book a call with me to learn more. In the Virtual Assistant Made Easy program, I help you figure out what to delegate, how to delegate, how to train, and how to have your VA create your SOPs for you because they're going to document your processes. You don't have to come into the program knowing what you want to delegate yet. I've got that covered. We even have a list of 229 tasks that you can delegate, as well as a PDF booklet that has the tasks you can delegate when you're busy, on holiday, or sick. So many of the tasks I have given to my VAs for the different aspects of my business - coaching, fee-paid speaking, women's community, running events, podcasting, YouTube, my social media, my collaborative books, my own books, my workshops, and the list goes on and on and on. Don't do it alone. Having someone on your team, as my clients have said, has been the best investment in themselves in and their business. It's probably a lot less than you thought it would be. Especially less than hiring someone local to work with you or a specialist. We hire general virtual assistants that can do a wide range of tasks. You don't even have to worry about the hiring process because I take care of that for you. Then I'm in the mix. I support both sides to have a long-lasting relationship. Because, that's what we want, right? We don't want these one off projects with people. We don't like it when people ghost us. We want someone as invested in our business as we are. True or true? Very true. I hope you'll steal my strategy of the 6 “P” process of delegating, and that you'll start bringing this in every quarter. A bonus to the Virtual Assistant Made Easy program is that every quarter, we have our very own strategic planning session where I ask you these questions. I help you to pause and then ask you what do you want to achieve in the next quarter. Then help you plan what are the goals are and therefore what can we pass off. If you want to be part of it, we have our next quarterly session at the end of June 2024. If you want to be in, you will be invited to that as well. P.S. I hope to see you over in the Dynamic Women Facebook Community. It is free to join. I'm going to be going live there a lot more. It's where I like to share a lot of my inside tips and tricks for having a business and a balanced life. Read my other blogs:
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