Are you wondering how to have better results on social media? I'm going to talk about these three actions that you can take for better social media results. They don't include Facebook ads or having a Facebook group. They don't include a lot of your time, just around 15 minutes a week. That's what I do, and I'm going to share how it's possible for you, too. 3 Actions for Better Social Media Results 1. Post consistently Posting consistently means posting daily to your feed: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or whatever platform you're on. You don't have to be on all of them, but pick a few and post daily, every single day, and make a post. Then, put something in your stories or the short form video section like reels or YouTube shorts, whatever it is called on whatever platform you are on, post consistently. Some people have said content is king and consistency is Queen – well Clarity makes both 100% better. So please know the content you provide must come from your clear branding messages. That is going to get you better results. Why? Because when you post your clear message often, it is going to help the algorithms to promote you more. As much as it's not paid ads, it's not sponsored posts, you are going to be able to get more engagement by posting consistently because people are going to see more of your material. They’ll then have more options or opportunities to be able to interact with your posts, which means that more of your stuff is going to be seen. Posting consistently is important for your first impression. How many times have you met someone, you connect on social and then you go check out their platforms? What would you think if they haven't posted for a week or two? You may say, “Oh, well, I like this content, I'm going to keep going looking”. But then you start scrolling through, and you see it's going by months, not by days. Then it’s suddenly a few years back, and you realize they haven't done much online. Now you may think, “Oh they’re not very serious about their business,” or “Maybe they're not really doing their business full time. It could just be a hobby business.” That's something to think about. How do others perceive your business based on your online presence? 2. Share different types of content These can be video, audio, text only, text on an image or meme, quotes, YouTube Shorts, IG/FB stories, TikToks, or IG reels. Now why a variety of content? Sharing a variety of content allows people who like different types of content to consume it in their preferred way. Plus, I might watch a video from one person and then read a post by the same person. It could even be on the same content. This allows people to get the message a few times, in a few different ways, and to more chance to engage. Sometimes you feel like watching a video. Sometimes you feel like looking at a meme. The different types can be profound in different ways. Video A video helps your viewer, follower, or potential client to connect with you and to get to know you. If my audience is watching me on video they could say, “Oh, that's what Diane's like, that's what she sounds like, and that's what she looks like”. Potentially, people will engage more with a video because they're getting to know you, rather than a piece of text that is just flat and sitting there. With videos, add in captions because a lot of people watch the videos with the sound off. I know this because I do this with my children. If they hear something, they run over to see what I'm watching. Or when in a place where I just can't put the sound on like the airport and I don't have my earphones in, I watch captions because I want to be respectful to the people around me. Audio Whether these are audio clips, audiograms, or posts with highlighted text some people may prefer to just hear you. Sometimes a viewer may find a speaker’s movements distracting so now with just audio everything else melts away. Your words, voice, intonation, pacing, all these things, are even crisper when it's just audio. Text When it's text, people will read at their own pace and put their own intonation onto it. They might like it that way, rather than being distracted by a video or by audio. Using emojis, and natural language will help the right message to get across. Memes Memes are posts that can be shared easily. If it has a cool picture and some funny words on it, or something profound, it's more shareable. People are more likely to post it on their own feed, where they maybe won't post your video. The same can be for all of these. Quotes Ideally, you’re using your own quotes, pulled from something you’ve written or said. Even if your audience doesn't read the caption, there is benefit to them seeing your quote and your name. It's showing that you're confident in your expertise. If you didn’t know before today about the variety of types of social media, now you do! And just like different learning modalities people consume things in different ways. If you want to expand your reach, then you need to give people what they're looking for, which probably will increase your visibility because people interacting with video and interacting with these starts to get your message out to even more people. 3. Use your voice. Every piece of content should be in your voice The last piece is to have every piece of content that you're putting out there or at least 95%, is to have it be your voice, your content, and your expertise. Why? Well, anyone can put a quote up from somebody else. If you're positioning yourself as an expert or an authority in the industry, it really makes sense that you use your own stories, ideas, and quotes, to share your expertise and experience rather than other people's. The benefit of this is you position yourself as an expert. People may repost it, share it, or repeat your quote. They can learn something from you, especially if you have a quote on the image and then you have the caption to explain more. They're learning from you. They're maybe appreciative of that rather than of others saying, “Oh, look, I really liked this Jim Rohn quote that Diane shared. I'm now going to go check out Jim Rohn”. Instead, this might cause them to check YOU out more and read your call to action and go through the next steps with you. Putting more content out there that is from YOU positions you as the expert and as the go-to person. Yes, it makes sense sometimes to share other people's content for collaborations or maybe to build that relationship, and many other reasons, but the key thing is everything that you put out should be your voice, your words. For a lot of people, this is where it freaks them out because they might say, “I have to write everything, say everything, and go on video about everything.” It can be a lot. I'm going to share with you a way that you can do this which is going to make it super easy. Your Content Made Easy I've been hearing from people:
However, as I shared, being on social media is so important. Times have changed, and the way we do social media needs to change too. Those who are on social media are taking advantage of a much wider market. I have clients from all over the world because they found me online, which is more than I can do just in North Vancouver, BC. If you're wondering,
Then you're going to want to check out the Your Content Made Easy program that we've just put together. I’m so pumped about this because it takes all these problems away. Doors have opened for this. We're doing a pre-launch with a very special investment, compared to what it will be. This pre-launch is just going to be for 12 people. If you want to join, just click here. Your Content Made Easy is an easy way to have us make your content for you! Basically, you give us one piece of anchor content, a 10–15 minute video of you sharing something. I show you exactly how to do this to make it super simple. I'll even share with you a lot of ideas to generate different topics you're going to talk about. My team then takes four of these videos and repurposes them into 48 pieces of content every month. That’s 12 a week: 7 for your daily feed and 5 for your stories. Including all different types on content so you can reach people in many different modalities, like audiograms, memes, videos, quotes posts etc. Since you receive seven posts, that’s going to give you the ability to post every single day. When we use your one anchor content and create your content for the week, that's also giving your voice through all the content. It's not, “Can this person write for me in a way that captures my voice?” It will be your voice and your content. It's something that's been happening in my business for years, all my content has been created by my two virtual assistants from the Philippines. I now have more than 30 clients who have their own vetted virtual assistant from our Virtual Assistant Made Easy Program who are doing this for them. I've also heard from potential clients who’ve said, “Well, I just want someone else to manage the virtual assistant,” or “I just want my social media done”. That's why we created Your Content Made Easy, where you just give us that one piece of anchor content each week or even better batch it into four, then my team from the Philippines will create all the different pieces of social media content so you are consistent, using a variety of types and all your voice every day of the month. You don't have to freak out any more about, “What am I posting today? What am I going to put out into the world?” We have had some really great success with our clients, and I thought let's make it even easier for other people in my network to be able to have their social media done every single week super easily. If you're wondering, “How does it get scheduled?” we can talk about that too. We can do that as an add-on, but I just wanted to share this with you. Since you’re connected with me and reading this, I wanted you to know first about the pre-launch we're doing for this program and the special opportunity we have. This is a one-time only opportunity as we get this program going. I also offered it to my email list, they got first dibs into this. By the time you’re reading this, I can’t guarantee a spot, but go to this link. I'll give you more information about the investment about how this all works, and just know that you’re going to feel so relieved to have consistent content. You're going to be feeling so confident when you give your business card out or someone connects with you on one of the social platforms, and they start to check out what you're posting. You'll have reduced stress because you're going to have less in your workload, and you're going to be able to focus on the things that bring you the most joy and the tasks you're paid the most money for. Like working with your clients and customers, creating new programs, new products, and new offerings. To recap, here are the three actions you need to take with your social media:
If I can be of service in any other way or if you have any questions, please reach out. I'm happy to share, and I'm really looking forward to those who are going to come into the Your Content Made Easy program. Read my other blogs here:
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