Do you ever find yourself not getting your full asking price or earning what you’re worth? When I was 10-years-old, my very first job was to be a newspaper carrier. I was really good at delivering newspapers BUT when it came to collecting my “salary”, I felt bad. Looking back, I realized that I felt bad asking for the money even though I've earned it. When I hadn’t been able to catch them for a few weeks the amount would be higher, so I wouldn’t tell them the full amount of what they owed me — ie. I would ask for $15 rather than $20. I was cheating myself out of money. Now as a coach, I meet women and see how my clients have been leaving money on the table. Here are 6 ways you can make sure that you get paid what you’re worth. 1) KNOW YOUR RATE Know what it is that you charge. It could be $50, $100, $15 an hour, or whatever it is. If you don’t know how much you should be paid, check what other people in your industry, at your level of expertise, are getting paid. It’s hard to stand confidently in your rate when you’re making it up on the spot. If you have someone ask you for something you haven’t figured out a price for yet, then ask them a few questions about what they are looking for and let them know you’ll get right back to them in a few hours or in 24 hours. Another way to figure out what you should charge is to look at what you want to be earning for the lifestyle that you want to have. That's really important. I have a client who realized she was charging way below what others in her industry are getting paid. What did we do? We bumped her fees up. She feared that no one was going to pay that fee, but she actually had three people book right away! Extra Tip: If you feel uncomfortable sharing your rates verbally, have them on a price sheet that you can email over to your potential clients. On the other hand, if you have a product-based business where you have specific pricing on your products, make sure you're sticking to that specific price so your margin of profit is going to cover your expenses and time. 2) BE CLEAR ON WHAT’S INCLUDED Be clear so that everybody knows what they will get for that price. If you can't tell people exactly what they get, they're going to be confused and they're going to take advantage of you with “scope creep”. This is where they're going to ask you or even demand from you more than what’s included. I had a client who was asked to spend an extra hour at the event she was working, even though it wasn’t included in her fee. This happened because the hours weren’t clear with everyone involved. The problem with this is that it brings resentment and the feeling of being used. That’s your time away from your life, family, passions and you’re not getting paid for it. What did this client do? She told her client that her hourly rate is $200. The client paused for a moment, and since the client knew how many hours she got and the rate for those two hours, she turned around, grabbed some money, and handed her $200 cash. For those who are selling products, you also have to be very clear. What’s included in packages, when they get free products or points, and if shopping is extra. If you’re trying to put together a hosted event with products, like in network marketing you have to be very clear about what the host does and what’s included. For example, with a cooking class, will they be able to keep the jars of products you opened? Do they know if all the food is included? Will they take care of the wine? 3) SHARE YOUR ADD-ONS IN ADVANCE I have a client who was very kind. When people asked her for a recording on a USB, she’d say sure and buy a USB and ship it to them. I also had clients where they were asked to go to a certain location to provide the service that was in favor of their client, but that cost them travel time. These are add-ons. Sending a product that’s not part of the package is an add-on. Travel time is also an add-on. If you have a sheet of add ons, then it's very clear to your client or your customer to know what’s included and what's not. If they want to add on things they can and you’ll be paid for it.
If you want to do referral fees, gifts, or other compensation plans then you need a system and a process put in place. This is the same if you have a team and you want to reward people. You have to be consistent, you have to think ahead, and let everyone involved know. 4) SAY NO TO PITAs PITAs, according to one of my coaches, James Malinchak, means Pain in the Ass. These are people who will negotiate with you as much as they can and will not pay your worth. Then they’ll often be someone who demands more of you. If you prefer to call them people who are difficult to deal with, then go ahead. Just be aware because they often don’t pay your worth, and they take more of your time than your other amazing clients/customers. That’s where the mutual level of respect happens. You have to decide what you’re okay with and what you’re not okay with. Because if you continue to work with PITAs, they’ll drain you of your time, and they'll drain your bank account because they're always wanting more and demanding more. I'm not saying you cannot discount your services. In certain circumstances, you can be generous with people who you know are struggling financially. For a product-based business, you might drop your margins a little bit on a wholesale or when you know your profit margins can still cover you. For service-based businesses you can have sponsored spots where people pay a reduced amount you both agree on. I have a couple of sponsorship spots in my business. For instance, I gave one to a woman who was a single mom and hadn’t received child support in years. She was doing such amazing humanitarian work, philanthropic work, and I really wanted to be able to support her in coaching, but she just couldn't afford it. It allows me to be generous and have planned giving rather than reduce my rate for everyone. The funny thing is, sometimes I get PITAs. I know that they mean well, and they're good people and I maybe even want to work with them. In order to do this there is sometimes an inflated price because I know they will take more of my time and more of my team's time to really help them. Their increased needs are discussed in advance and then the investment will reflect this additional support. 5) SET SUPER STRONG BOUNDARIES You should have really strong boundaries and contracts in place and have everything be super clear. So have your lawyer look over any contracts or agreements in advance and have your refund policy be clear. This way no one will be able to take your service or your product from you then demand a refund when they completely used it or when they haven't implemented things properly. Cover your back because I've had that happen myself in the early days and heard it from people I have met. Some people wanted refunds when the work was already done or the product was already used, or they got service and ignored payment requests. 6) GET PAID IN ADVANCE As much as you can, get paid in advance. With my amazing clients, they invest in advance to coach with me, attend my sessions, and join a program. The benefit of that is that we don't talk about the financial piece. Instead, we just get right down to business. We get to focus all of our time on coaching them towards their goals and coaching them to be the most amazing, fearless leaders, rather than spend time talking about where their payment is. They're all in. I'm all in. We just do the greatest work together in this situation. I know many people who spend time and energy reminding their clients to pay them. I’m sure you don’t want to be using your time and energy for that. We want to be using it on our talents, our core competencies and on the actual income-generating work that we do. These are the six ways you can get paid what you’re worth. Remember that you deserve it. If you want to learn more ways on how you can succeed in life, download my FREE ebook Key 2 Success and learn the 3 dangerous trends professional women face that keep them overworked, overwhelmed, and pulled in a million directions. Read my other blogs here:
1. Lets Talk About Money 2. Saving You Time (& Money!) 3. The Costs of NOT Having a 9-5
In my last blog, I talked about how you’ll know if your mental health is suffering. Now, I’m going to share three main things you can do when you know your mental health is suffering. Number 1: Prioritize Yourself Prioritizing yourself is the first of nine Pillars of being a Dynamic Woman from my program Dynamic You. It’s the first because it’s crucial you do this before you do any of the other pillars. There's no point in pushing yourself in your career, business, or connecting with others if this first pillar isn't in place. You have to prioritize yourself especially if you're in a space of not feeling like yourself or feeling like you can’t handle the world. It can be self-care with journaling, meditating, praying, exercising, going into nature, showering, massages, sleep, and quiet time. It’s crucial to unplug and have times of no stimulus: this means no phone, no TV, no social media, no people, and spending a bit more time by yourself. This way you don't have these external factors making you feel bad and stressing you out. Also part of self-care and prioritizing yourself is seeing a doctor. This is one thing that I find has been so influential in my clients’ and my own development. I personally prefer a naturopath to be able to run my blood work and see chemically and hormonally how I'm doing. For instance, we can have low iron which can make you really tired and you can't function and deal with life when you have a mineral deficiency. Again, you need to go to a doctor to figure this out. I was speaking with a client about how it’s not fair to expect yourself to be running on full cylinders, like a car, if you don't have enough gas in the tank or if you have the wrong gas. Imagine you put diesel in a gas engine, you're not going to do very well. As soon as you can figure out if you’re off hormonally, chemically, or minerally, then you can put a plan in place to get better. It could mean you take supplements or medicine. It might mean you have to change your diet and cut out sugar, alcohol, wheat, dairy, caffeine, and other things that can cause inflammation, brain fog, irritability, and spikes in your day. Number 2: Get Support There are two main pieces to support. You can get support through paid professionals like counselors, coaches, psychologists, psychiatrists, and many more. That's the clinical piece and the other piece is support from those around you. It's great that you talk to someone professionally, but you also need to have those around you, family, friends, and connections who see you all the time to know what's going on. It's about getting support from others and designing how your relationship will now be. You and your circle can collaborate to improve your health and your mental well-being. If you have the Dynamic You book or if you have the program, you can go into the Collaborate Pillar and look at designing and redesigning relationships so that you can redesign how things are. To give you an example of this, I’ll share about when my Dad was in palliative care and then when he passed. It was such a sad and confusing time and it was stressful caring for my kids. I could do it, but it was overwhelming because my husband was still in BC and I was in Ontario. I did some designing with my in-laws, having them take the kids and allowing myself space to sort out things, support my Mom and be in my grief. I also talked with friends and let them know, “I don’t feel like hanging out or even chatting on the phone, but text is ok.” They understood and were thankful that I shared this with them so they knew how to best support me. I also said to my husband, “Hey, I am not myself right now. I need your support and help.” We discussed how he needed to do more around the house, take the kids out more and not expect a lot from me. You have permission to ask for help. You have permission to get the support that you need, especially from those around you. A lot of the high-achieving leaders that I work with are probably doing 80% of the work in a relationship. It is okay to take it back to 50% or to even get the other person to put in 80% and you recharge for a bit. Number 3: Go into Maintenance Mode The last action is a concept that I came up with in the past decade working with my clients who needed it. Many people have asked me, “You have so much going on, how do you juggle everything?” The key thing for me is I don't always do everything. I can’t. I delegate well to my team, and most importantly when life is crazy I go into maintenance mode. I focus on my priorities. When life gets hard, there are too many balls to juggle. You need to take a quick look at what you're juggling, and ask yourself, which are glass balls and which are rubber balls. Here are some examples of glass balls you can’t drop and come up with some of your own as well:
These are the glass balls. These are the things you can’t drop or they’ll break. Then what does it mean for the rubber balls? You can let them go and they just bounce. No harm done. This allows you to go into “maintenance mode”. Maintenance mode is an amazing opportunity for you to drop the rubber balls and only focus on the glass ones, and let everything else slide from your plate or delegate it if it's important. Finally, after a summer of the kids being off, it was the 1st day back to school for my daughter, but my son jumped off our bed and broke his femur. Imagine, you have a two and a half year old, who is now at home with you with almost a full-body cast on. You need to be there to get everything for him. You need to bathe him in the big cast. You actually need to change diapers in this contraption as well. It was really hard for me. I was used to dropping him off at daycare, dropping my daughter off at school, and then I'd have time to work my business. All of a sudden, I'm dropping balls left, right, and center and they were glass ones too! What did I decide to do? I asked for support, but mainly I focused on my priorities: my clients and my son. Then what were the rubber balls I let bounce? My house got a bit messier. I was a little bit more lax in what I ate and said yes to support with a meal train, which was such a blessing. I think I cried when each person came to the door to give me a meal, not because I was getting a meal but because of the love I felt from them. In maintenance mode, my husband and I also didn’t have date nights, so we could care for our son. I put my personal development on the back burner, but I kept my self-care up because it was a stressful time and I needed it. Maintenance mode is meant for a short period of time. This is not for all year. This might be a few weeks where you have a major project, you're moving, there is a death in the family, someone's having surgery, there's something major happening, and rather than completely losing all control, you let the rubber balls fall (the areas of life that don't matter as much) so that you can focus on the priorities and delegate the other pieces out. So what will you do when your mental health is suffering? You can bring in one of these actions: make yourself a priority, get support from professionals and your circle, and go into maintenance mode. So what will you do when your mental health is suffering? You can bring in one of these actions: make yourself a priority, get support from professionals and your circle, and go into maintenance mode. Mental health can be a challenge. It is debilitating for so many people, and it can happen to the most successful high achieving, intelligent, put-together people. I encourage you today, don't worry about being vulnerable. Don't worry about looking bad. It’s ok to share that you have anxiety or stress or you’re not feeling good about something. It can only get better when you talk with others you trust. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Maybe it's time we had a session. We can coach on a topic of your choice. Just email me at [email protected] to set one up. I'm also offering 6 complimentary audits for either, “What do you need to be more balanced in life?” and “What do you need to be a more valuable leader?” By the end of our time together, you're going to have a checklist that tells you exactly what you need to do in order to be more balanced in life or be a more valuable leader if that's what is more of a priority for you. If you’d like one, email my team at [email protected]. Read my other blogs here:
1. Stop Dropping the Balls and Instead Find Balance 2. Stop Juggling everything! Tips to help you avoid overwhelm 3. The Power of Baby Steps Have you ever asked yourself the following questions…
These are questions I received from a client. Maybe this is a topic that you don’t think you need to listen to. But I'll tell you, it definitely will help you, especially if you have people around you that are suffering. How do I know when my mental health is suffering? The answer is: YOU KNOW. You just know. If you're asking the question, you know. Here are some clues that your mental health is suffering that I see from my clients:
Those have a lot to do with your mood and personality. Another has to do with food. You're reaching for junk food, alcohol, or more comfort foods. This is very common for my clients as they start eating their emotions. This also happened to me when my father passed away. For many people with COVID, we're calling it the COVID 19, like the freshman 15, the COVID-19, meaning you're putting on about 19 pounds. It happens a lot because our mental health isn't as solid as we need it to be. We’re then not able to be disciplined and consistent in the type of eating that we want to have. PAUSE I do have to state I'm not a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. I'm a coach, and I'm speaking from experience of what I've seen in my clients and the work that I've done in process coaching with my clients. I'm also speaking from a place of personal experience where I haven't had the emotional bandwidth. I haven't had the emotional stamina. I have dealt with postpartum depression, not once. But twice. I have dealt with anxiety where I have no idea where it came from. My hormones have been completely off balance. I've also dealt with stress and mental health suffering because of over-exertion and stress in the amount of things I do in my life. I have also experienced this with grief. I've got a lot of personal experience around this, but full disclosure, I have never had to get to a point of strongly medicating. So if you are at that place where your mental health is suffering, and you are suicidal, you are violent, or you are doing any other addictive or abusive behavior, or you are in a situation that is unsafe, please seek medical attention ASAP. Please tell a loved one that you trust. Please get the help that you need. That's so crucial. BACK TO… How else could you know that you're suffering mentally?
If your priorities are things that are important to you like emailing people back on time, getting projects completed, hanging out, or being committed to a group that you're a part of or a board that you're on, or people that you're volunteering with, those can be times when you're not honoring these things anymore. That's very strange for you.
For ladies, maybe you don't care about doing your hair and makeup anymore, and that was important to you. Maybe you're not showering, doing other forms of hygiene that are important or you're not changing your clothes as often as you should.
You should be picking up the kids, but you totally forgot. You're not able to get certain things done. Maybe you're at the point where you don't care. That's showing that you're mentally starting to suffer.
In my first year of grief after my Dad passed, this was definitely something that I was having to deal with. I was short-tempered. I would raise my voice with my family. I was very quick to be frustrated. I didn't like that. I was also quick to cry as soon as somebody showed that they cared. I also wasn’t able to have emotional stamina — the emotional stamina to be able to get through the day, to handle other people, to be around other people, or get through something that's hard. For your situation, you have to ask yourself:
Now, let’s go back to answer that first question that my client had, “how do you know when your mental health is starting to suffer?” You might feel like:
After speaking events, or when I’m leading one of my own events, sometimes women come up to me and share where they are at. It sounds like they’re living in black and white. If you see the start of Wizard of Oz, it's all in black and white. It has this almost dead feeling to it. We can feel that way in life. If you are not in the right mental state, it's like you're living in black and white. It's like the color, the spirit, the joy, and the energy left you. Later, when the movie switches to color, there's vibrancy, life, and energy that comes out - it’s the same when these women get themselves back. In my next blog, I’ll share with you some answers on what to do when your mental health is suffering. If you want to be around like-minded people, please join the free Dynamic Women Online Group on Facebook. Read more of my blogs here:
1. D.R.I.V.E.: 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself 2. Stop Skipping this! I'm Guilty Too! 3. "I don't want to do it!" We recently celebrated International Women’s Day last March 8. But have you ever thought, wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t need to have this day because there was gender equality? Let’s talk about how we can lift each other up so we won’t need an International Women’s Day in the future. Or at least the intention behind it would be a day of celebration not that we still have to:
It could be more just in celebration of the amazing women that
A little story During last year’s women’s day, I was tagged by a friend from high school on her Instagram Stories. It said, “Businesses owned by strong women I know.” I was tagged at the top. I don't know if that had to do with anything specific, but just the fact that she thought of me and tagged me was so nice. It meant a lot because we aren’t super strong in each other's lives. I reshared it because that's fuel for my life and my business. Her simple act of tagging me in that IG story gave me a little boost that day. I really loved it. I thought, How often do we lift each other up? AND Do we look for opportunities to raise other women up? Five Ways to Raise Women Up #1: See women in their brilliance and applaud them. When someone does something good, rather than going into that place of compare-itis, jealousy, or any other negative emotion.
Because at times we could be judging ourselves or facing a struggle, let's lift each other up when someone is winning. #2: See other women in their struggle and support them in a way that isn't asked for. When my father passed, when my son broke his femur, I reached out to my close community and shared about my situation. They jumped in without me even asking.
Sometimes you might see people in your life who are struggling, and you don't know what to do. All of the ideas are amazing. There was a day that I had two people drop off flowers for me. One was a woman from my church, not as close as some of my friends but such a huge, impactful moment to say, “Oh, I'm just dropping off some flowers at your door,” and I open it and there's a beautiful potted tulip plant. Then just hours after, I received flowers at my door that another friend had delivered from a flower shop. Each one had a big impact on me and helped. It’s easy to be in our own struggle, but the moment that we see others in their struggle, if we jump into action with a little text or a little message, we can pull ourselves up, too. #3: Pour into a friend on their way to their goal. What if we have people around us who are wanting to achieve a business goal?
It doesn't take money. It doesn't take a lot of time. But you can pour into someone by believing in them. Think of all the things that would happen in the world if people poured into each other more, spoke words of encouragement, and supported them in how they achieve their goals by sharing it, giving advice or connecting with others. There's just so much that would happen in the world. #4: Acknowledge others more. With all the many things happening around the world, a lot of people tend to complain. But what if we acknowledged each other more? What if we thanked the cashier for their quick service? What if we complimented someone or a family member on how they did the dishes? What if we reach out to a friend and tell them that we appreciate them? If we acknowledged others more, people would have a bit more of a spring in their step. They'd be focusing on the positive of what they “can do”, rather than the negative and the judgment of what they can't do. Giving a compliment or an acknowledgement when you witness them in their brilliance, or even just in their everyday life is so powerful. #5: Breathe life into the vision we see for others. As a coach, this is something I often do with my clients, I’ll share…
Breathe life into what you see for others. This is part of what my parents did for me. If we do this with our children, our friends, family members, co-workers, and with the strangers that we meet in our day-to-day lives, imagine what life could be like. If we see others in their brilliance and applaud them, if we see people in their struggle and support them, if we pour into others, if we acknowledge them, and if we breathe life into the vision we see for others, we’d be a step closer to not needing to have a specific day where we celebrate women. I'm not saying just do this for women. I'm hoping you’ll do this for everyone. Instead, we'd actually be celebrating each other more. It would just become a way of life like brushing your teeth, you'd acknowledge. Like going to work, you'd compliment. If we are all in this together, imagine what the world can be like. What if we just did these five simple things? I encourage you to do more of this if you're already doing it and to start doing it if you haven't yet. I get that we all have our stuff going on. But if you do it to others, others will do it back to you. That's fuel — for your goals, for your day-to-day, through the struggle, and a celebration of your success. Let me share with you a short piece from my Dynamic You program and book. I imagine a world where all women love themselves for who they are, where they stop being their own worst critic and instead celebrate their progress. Women who fall fast and get up just as quick, who make themselves a priority, who live their legacy, who speak up. You are this woman. A dynamic woman. Congrats. This will happen when we lift each other up. I'm inviting women to step into their power and into their full selves — to be unapologetically themselves, and to not take anyone down in the process of them really getting to that place where they feel at their best and are achieving what they want most in life. If you want to be a part of a group of women who lift each other up, join our Facebook Group Dynamic Women Global Community. It’s a community for female business leaders to come together to connect, share, grow, and be inspired.
In my last blog, I shared with you what settling is. Today, I’ll share with you the 3-step process I teach my clients to help them to NOT settle. This process can help you help YOURSELF to move out of settling. If you’ve been on one of my programs like the Million Dollar Woman, Dynamic You, or you’ve coached with me, you know I share this process. The First Piece: Clarity You need to be really clear on what you want and really clear on what you need. Then, the harder part is to be really clear on what's IDEAL. When I do this in the Dynamic Balance Program, it is eye-opening. People realize:
This is often how the dream of writing a book is born or the dream of traveling the world or the dream of building the business and bringing more people on their team happens. I love the Les Brown quote that says, “You can't see the picture when you're in the frame.” That's so true. You can't always get the clarity by yourself. You may ask yourself:
But the answers might not flow fully because you're in the “frame”. You can't see the full picture. You can't ask yourself the questions that need to be asked. The trouble with clarity is that for all the times you've pushed down that little voice or extinguished that spark, it gets harder to connect to the answer. One of the hardest questions to answer is “What do you want?”, especially as women because we put everyone else first. We focus on other people's needs. If there's time, energy, or money left for us, then it's our time. But before that, it almost always goes to other people. When we're making decisions for ourselves, we may worry about what others think. Or even worse, we don’t feel like we're worthy or we're not good enough because it feels uncomfortable to spend extra time, energy, or money on ourselves. In getting clarity, you need someone else in order to see it. You need to ask about what you want, what you need, and what you desire in the ideal. Not the reality because the reality could be where you settle. I was talking to a friend of mine, and she was telling me about her daughter who just got an entry-level job at a grocery store. And when she was done with school, she wanted to be a veterinarian. What's really interesting is that with COVID, her dream faded. Instead she said she’ll just keep working at the grocery store and move up the ranks. This just broke my heart to think of this young girl who had a big, yet realistic dream. They were just extinguished. She was settling. I'm not saying that working at a grocery store and moving up the ranks is a bad career choice. But she had an ideal choice for herself. She was settling. This was also a concern of her mom. These are the steps that I would suggest she take and you take as well if you're in this place of “I just don't know what to do.” The Second Piece: Confidence A lot of times, it's the confidence to speak up:
Speaking up is very important because once you get the clarity on what you want, what you need, and what the ideal is, you have to tell people. That's why in the Dynamic You Program, I talk a lot about designing relationships. I also talk about the Pillar of confidence and being able to speak up about these things. A lot of times just in speaking up, doing that simple act, and having someone else witness you say it, is enough to get the ball rolling. You've been witnessed and the truth is out. I chose those three examples -- speaking up in your marriage, career, and family -- because I have watched clients this year have to speak up in all areas. Also speaking up with friends, when you’re not okay with something they did and you let them know. This is how you don’t settle, and it's also how you help others to step up, how you help to strengthen relationships, and how you can potentially save and make relationships stronger. The Third Piece: Action Now, if you’ve got CLARITY on what you need or desire in your life and you have the CONFIDENCE to tell others what it is, then you have to take ACTION. If you don’t take action, that’s the biggest way to completely shut down any possible voice or spirit in you that is going to move you forward. You have to take action. Taking action in your health. Maybe you're settling in your health, and you're feeling like you haven’t done anything in a long time and you can’t seem to move anymore or you have gained 20-30 pounds. That is how you are settling in your health. If you had CLARITY that you want to lose some weight or be able to move easier, and you have the confidence to commit to it, then you need to TAKE ACTION. The action doesn't have to be 150% crazy. You don't have to sign up for a triathlon. Maybe you can commit to walking 20 minutes a day. Maybe you can commit to throwing out the junk food. You have to do the action to reinforce the confidence. Even if you only have a little bit of confidence to speak up or a little bit of confidence to get going, as soon as you take action, it's going to solidify that confidence and grow it. Taking action in your home. Maybe you got clarity on wanting a renovation. Maybe you got clarity on wanting to move. Maybe you got clarity and wanted to do something in your front or backyard. Great! And you have the confidence to speak up about it and get some money together… then take action on it. Make a plan. Commit to it. Hire people. Taking action in your business. I don't know how many times I've met people, and every year I met them, they say that they’re writing a book. I get curious, “When are you going to be done with this book?” If you need accountability for action, then get the support. Hire a coach. Otherwise, it's going to be so easy to just slip back into being comfortable settling for less. I know you want to stop settling. I know there's a part of you that also feels increasingly scared or nervous or fearful of taking the leap and failing. Taking the leap and it not fully working. Taking the leap and maybe losing someone in your life. But you know what's worse? Settling for less and hearing the inner voice niggling at you every day. Do you know what else is worse? Getting to a point where you say yes, but it's just too late. You don't have the opportunity anymore. Do you know what else is sad? Getting close to the end of your life and realizing, “I'm never going to be able to do that and I should have made that decision years and years ago. I should have at least tried.” I've had clients who said they think they’re settling in their career. We searched for a new career, and they were stressed and it was affecting their health. It was affecting so many things. Then they came to a place of “Yes, I need to do this” but then they didn't do it. It was because they were too afraid to give up their lifestyle or too afraid of disappointing others, too afraid of not making it, or too afraid of success and what it could do to them. Can you relate? I have now shared the 3 pieces to focus on. But what I hope for you is that you just start with the question of “Am I truly happy?” Then go back through the questions of getting clarity, confidence, and getting into action. Because once you have that, all you need to do is take one step. Just one step. I really want to honor all of the clients who have not settled, who have been courageous, who have taken the leap and who have worked with me. They didn't settle in their lives so they could get to that place of, “Wow, I am living the life I was meant to live.” I want that for you as well. If you want to have a conversation about it, email me at my personal email [email protected]. Let’s talk about how I can help you not settle and coach you in the other areas of your life. Read my other blogs here:
1. Why do we go back to our old patterns or habits? 2. How I Made $18k in a Few Hours 3. Should You STOP Doing Things That Scare You? |
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