Ever feel like you had something you had to do and you didn’t feel like doing it? Of course! Basically this is a rhetorical question. The things you might not want to be doing probably include: work, exercise, cook, clean and other obligations. But what happens when it’s something we originally wanted to do? That’s where I got stuck! About six months ago I was following my business plan for the year. I was set to have my webinar done for the end of July – the only trouble - I couldn’t get myself to do it. I’m a coach so like I do with my clients I broke it down into simple steps so I didn’t feel overwhelmed. I just had to figure out how to make a landing page, write the content, deliver it and upload it. Sounds simple enough right? Then why didn’t I want to do it? I though I didn’t want to figure it out on my own so I connected with someone who’s done it and got some support. Ready to go now – right? No. I still couldn’t get myself moving to do it. AHHHHHH!!! I needed to be motivated. I needed a timeline. I needed to determine my intention and who I wanted to be in the process. I needed a planned celebration for when I completed it. Check, check and more checks and I still didn’t want to do it.
The first clue you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing is that it feels like your pushing. The second clue is that it’s just not getting done.
Taking a step back I went to my coach who asked me, “Who said you had to do this?” The funny thing was that I did. And now I didn’t want to do it. However, because I am a woman of her word it was hard for me to not follow through. She gave me permission to rethink my previous choice. When you’re here ask yourself, “What am I missing? And What do I need now?” I realized something in that moment, it was more powerful and brought more clarity to answer those questions than to figure out why I wasn’t moving forward with my plan. What did I come up with? I was missing being creative, connecting with people and having an impact. What did I need at that moment? To feel those three things I needed to design and lead a live workshop. So I dropped the webinar plan to go for what I actually wanted to do. Last Saturday I had the recent success of running my Dynamic Year + Dynamic You workshop. I felt fulfilled; I connected, created and had a lasting impact on the participants. When you’re at that moment of “I don’t want to do this”. Check in and see what’s missing and what you need. You’re probably not being fulfilled in some way. It might just be a lack of sleep so you don’t want to work or a lack of time to finish a project so you don’t want to meet friends for dinner. So take a step back and ask yourself those two questions. Then really listen to the answer so you can feel more like you're in the flow rather than pushing. Then you'll find yourself a lot closer to your goals! Mwah! Diane P.S. This is why I decided to write this week instead of video blog. I just didn’t want to do it. I didn’t feel like being on camera and I needed to be able to write my feelings instead of speak them. Give yourself permission to do the same with something in your life. Share with me what it is!
11/19/2014 12:58:53 pm
Thank-you for this. It's a perfect fit for what I was just going through.
11/19/2014 02:54:21 pm
Hi Diane,
11/24/2014 07:53:51 am
I was just struggling through transferring my domain to a new host and beating myself up because I couldn't understand what I had to do - feeling like I was stupid or too old to get this stuff. I realize that I have absolutely zero interest in knowing how to do this stuff! If I was interested, I'd catch on quickly like I've always done. Now, this is on list list of what I want to hire others to do for me!!!
11/24/2014 01:37:12 pm
Great realization Rosalie! There are some things we just don't have to be good at and even those things we are good at we don't necessarily have to do. Deciding in our business and life what our core competencies are is so important so we can delegate or let go of everything else. What else do you want to now let go of?
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