Last week, I talked about the mistakes that you need to avoid when you set goals for 2022. The next important step to take is to review your year. Now you might be asking how would reviewing my year make things any better than they are now? Here are my top three reasons for you. First Reason: You won't miss out on your greatest motivator, which is achievement. As adults, I see this in my clients and friends all the time. We have successes, and we skip right past them to get on to the next task. Not celebrating at all. Then, when we don't succeed, we dwell on our failures. We beat ourselves up and we can't seem to get going again. Highly successful people and companies know the benefits of reviewing their year and celebrating their achievements. It’s the fuel and motivation that gets them through any hard times and helps them to have even better results. Second Reason: You'll stop making the same mistakes. I'm not saying that you’re making a ton of mistakes. I'm just saying that the biggest wasted resource is what we can learn from our experiences. Instead of capitalizing on this wealth of knowledge, it just slips through our fingers. When we turn the learning into wisdom and apply it to our life then we can be grateful for what a mistake taught us. Otherwise the growth opportunity is forgotten, but the regret and disappointment live on. So often we just jump into the next year and we set up some big goals, but we end up making the same mistakes over again and then we wonder why we have similar results. Third reason: You'll be able to say goodbye to overwhelm and indecision. By reviewing the past year you can see how specific actions worked well and how other actions didn’t. You learn from that and with the right process, it provides you with very clear choices as to where you want to invest your time, energy and money. Then you can let go of experiences, responsibilities and people that aren’t a fit for you anymore. Reviewing Your Year is actually Step 1 of the 3 Step process I use in the Dynamic Year Program. So after you evaluate and learn from the past year you get to make a powerful plan and strategy for the next year. By the end of this program, you'll have your three guidelines clearly defined. These are really crucial in setting your path for your goals, your theme, your new paradigm, and your values for the following 12 months. Having the 1-page plan enables you to have clarity in what you want so you can make future decisions easily AND confidently. Without the Dynamic Year Plan, you'll feel the overwhelm that comes with making important decisions. You'll lose the confidence that you're doing the right thing. Reviewing your year is part of the Dynamic Year Program. Have you joined yet? The great thing is that this is a virtual learning program so no matter where you are, you can participate. You get the Home Learning program and a Virtual day of coaching support from me. AND you get to connect with other women that are part of the group. This will give you the chance to look at the past year so that you can capture the good, you can release the bad, and you can move forward with the golden nuggets that we've uncovered. You'll get all the info, the tools, the templates that you need to be able to complete the three step foundation for a great new year so that you feel more confident, more focused, and more motivated to move forward with your goals. PLUS we do quarterly check-ins throughout the year to help you stay on track and give you insights and new strategies. I’ve been doing this for a decade and every year it gets better! It's going to be so much fun and clients say it’s life changing and the reason why they had so much success. Click this link to register and to know more about this program. The VIRTUAL program is happening on January 21st. Read my other blogs here:
1. Want more success? Then pull up your big girl panties! 2. How successful women replace BAD habits with GOOD Ones 3. Stop Striving for Success!
Are you ready to set up your goals for 2022? Well, I say STOP! Wait, don't do it yet! Or if you've already done it, you need to read this blog. Everybody's making goals for 2022. That's awesome, and you totally should be! But I want to make sure that you avoid these mistakes when you set your goals for 2022. I'm going to talk about the three things that I see people do that totally screw them over. By screw over, I mean:
These are the 3 things to make sure you're not doing when you set your goals. AND make sure you join the complimentary mini-course 5-Day Reset to help you get ready to make your 2022 goals. It’s happening from Dec 27-31 and it’ll be on my Facebook Group Dynamic Women Global Community. You’ll be able to say goodbye to 2021 and greet 2021 properly! Register here. Number 1: Don’t jump into your goals…yet How do you know if you have the right goals? Well, there are a few processes I take my clients through in order to properly figure that out. But the problem is we jump into our goals…
But by jumping into your goals too soon, it can throw off your success. It's kind of like thinking, “Oh, I'm just gonna go and do some sprints without warming up first.” If you've ever done that before without warming up or even cooling down, you know the disaster that can cause. Oftentimes, our muscles get injured. Our performance is poor. We’re not able to continue on and we're sore for many days after. It's the same way with goals. You have to be ready, and you need to have the right ones. Number 2: You don't release the unfinished goals and don't celebrate the completed ones Releasing and celebrating goals is so important in order for there to be the proper closure, and motivation carried forward. So often we just move into the next goals, not even claiming the success that we've had. The acknowledgement, the success, the achievement, and really sitting in the success and being witnessed is the reason why people are motivated to achieve the next goal.
There are so many benefits to properly releasing and celebrating old goals and the learnings from them. But I just don't see people taking the time to do that. We're so ready to just shake off what happened the year before. As high achievers, we’re so quick to be like, “Give me the next goal! I’m going after what I want to achieve.” But we're missing out on the golden nuggets from the year before. I do this fully as a 3 step process in my Dynamic Year Program. Number three: You don't start with a strong foundation Picture a building that is constructed on a strong foundation. One that is made of concrete, not on just sand. One that will actually stand the test of time. This is the type of foundation you want for your goals. It will carry you forward even when you get shaken by things like:
Maybe life clears up and things get better. Then all of a sudden, we've gone from the online world to the in-person world again. When you have a strong foundation, no matter what life throws at you, even if you shake a little bit, you move a little bit, at the end of the turmoil of being completely rattled, you'll still be standing. Creating a strong foundation comes from going through the steps of releasing and celebrating accomplishments and disappointments. It also comes from sitting with how it feels and sharing that with others. So often the goal setting experience happens alone. We take the time to figure out what it is that we want to achieve, but we do it by ourselves. That's the problem.
The most successful goal setting experience only happens when you're making goals with someone else. And when there's a strong foundation, it’ll be easy to stretch and increase your goals. Well, the good news is I have a 3-step process in Dynamic Year that helps you create that foundation and design a 1 page plan including your awesome goals. Why should you care about this? So often we get to the end of the year, and think I didn't achieve what I wanted to. We promise ourselves, next year will be the best year ever! What are you going to do to make that happen? Oftentimes, the answer is nothing. If you don't have a foundation in place, you'll make the same mistakes and miss out on the success that you crave. But when you join the Dynamic Year Program, you're going to walk out with a 1 page plan for 2022 to set you and your goals up for success. With Dynamic Year, you'll build a foundation to get you excited and confident about your year. And then you'll go and blow last year's results out of the water. I'll help you do it. Check out and join the program here. And don’t forget to join the complimentary mini-course 5-Day Reset to help you get ready to make your 2022 goals. It’s happening from Dec 27-31 and it’ll be on my Facebook Group Dynamic Women Global Community. You’ll be able to say goodbye to 2021 and greet 2021 properly! Register here. Read my other blogs here:
Are you feeling absolutely ready to say goodbye to 2021? I get it. I see it. I hear it everywhere. Everyone's just ready for 2021 to be done and to start 2022 with new energy, new possibilities and positivity. I get that this year almost feels like last year. Time is just running into itself. These past two years have had their own share of struggles, but as always in closing off one year and starting another, we can feel like we get a fresh start on January 1. Picture a dog coming out of the water. What does it do? Shake! Yes! It shakes off all the water and you don't want to be nearby when it does because you'll be sure to get wet. But it's that feeling of release, freshness and shaking off what you don’t need anymore. So how can we properly shake off 2021 and close it off in the right way so that you feel prepared for 2022? Maybe you need a RESET! I’ll share with you the 3 benefits of doing a proper goodbye to 2021 AND I’m gifting you the chance to do it together to properly ring in the New Year. I really want to speak about the importance of doing this because so often we just get wrapped up in the holidays. We are so excited about Christmas and family and maybe we overindulge. I totally overindulge in chocolates, festive drinks, mulled wine and all the lovely foods. Benefit #1: We need closure The first reason why we need to be able to close off 2021 properly is closure. We always need closure. Even if some bad things happened in your life, like tarnished friendships, being fired from a job, or some unsaid business, there can still be closure. You can't watch a movie and turn it off 10 minutes before the end and not know what happens. There's a part of our minds that knows it’s not finished. The same goes for the year. When you give proper closure to 2021, it means you can open up a new year. By closing off one thing, you can open up another. There's often a saying around, you have to close one door to be able to open another and this is the exact same reason. We need closure from 2021. Benefit #2: We need release The second thing about saying goodbye to 2021 is to release us from what 2021 held over us, and what it did to us. Maybe the sadness, grief, disappointment, or frustration. Have you ever jumped into a cold pool on a hot day? Then you know that refreshing feeling. It makes you feel alive, you feel awake, you drop the feeling of heaviness and are instantly refreshed. You release the bad as if it’s a bag you’ve been carrying around and can step more boldly into the New Year. Benefit #3: We need to feel complete Here's the third and final reason that will help you tie a bow on 2021. You need to say goodbye in order to be able to walk away and feel like, “Okay, that's done and I'm okay with how it ended.” If you don’t have closure and you’ve not been able to release, you won't feel complete. You'll feel that there’s a little piece sticking with you and it's taking up space you. It could make you worry or feel stressed. By properly tying a bow on 2021, you're going to be able to walk into 2022 feeling so much better. Even if you had an awesome year, you still need to say bye to it! Here’s my gift. Let's do the 5 Day Reset together, so you can have closure, release 2021 and feel complete and ready for 2022. The five-day reset is a complimentary mini-course. It’s mini because it's the holiday time and so it has a small commitment, but it’ll have a huge impact for you. I've been doing this for many years, and the hundreds if not thousands of women that have gone through this with me have said how profound it was, how simple and easy it was to do and yet so meaningful and impactful. I have to warn you… don’t jump into setting any goals yet. AND Don’t jump into your resolutions, until we do these five steps first. So together, we're going to build your foundation so that you're ready to kick butt in 2022. Even if you don't have the energy to kick butt, at least you’ll feel more confident, and more comfortable moving into 2022. Here are the steps to join!
The 5 Day Reset is going to give you these benefits:
I look forward to seeing you in the 5 Day Reset so that we can close off 2021 and get into an awesome 2022. Wishing you the best.
Diane Almost two years since the COVID-19 pandemic started, a lot of people are still struggling without having connections because of the restrictions. Yes, some restrictions may have been lifted, but because of the Omicron variant we’re still far from the normal life that we know. A client shared with me, “I'm struggling without connection because of all the COVID restrictions, how can I connect with others? I feel so isolated.” If this is how you’re feeling too, I'm sorry that you feel isolated. I'm sorry that you feel disconnected. The crazy thing is we can feel isolated or a lack of connection really any time! Even when we have lots of things going on and many people around us, not just in COVID times. My heart goes out to these people, especially the people that live alone or the people who work from home and they're alone, or seniors and they live alone. It's going to take three things to break from the loneliness:
Let me share a little strategy: Strategy #1 Tell people you trust how you feel, like your family, friends, loved ones, connections, even acquaintances because maybe they feel the same way. They might not have told you because they think you're busy or that you have it all together. You sharing first could open up their honesty. One of my friends and I have been terrible at keeping in touch. Absolutely terrible, but we love each other dearly. We're not mad at each other about it, just busy and didn’t call each other. So we made a plan to have phone calls once a week, every Thursday morning. She's driving to work, and I'm walking on the trail, and we have a conversation. What I learnt was that the more you talk with the same person, the more you get rid of the fluff that is at the surface, and the more you're able to actually talk about the real feelings that you have, whether it be isolation, loneliness, disappointment, depression, or anxiety. Strategy #2 If you have some friends, you need to be creative in what you're going to do with them. You can even think creatively.
If you don't have friends, then you need to put yourself out there and start connecting with others. Maybe there is a neighbor that you like who you could invite to go to the park and sit six feet from them. Invite a few people. Maybe there's a local place that is doing virtual wine tastings. You get a bunch of people together and everybody's in their own home trying out the wines. You can also look for places that already have community. There are women's groups like the Dynamic Women community. There are churches. There are other organizations that already have events and groups happening where you can just join in. You can find other people and connect with them. You can go on and see what events are happening because at least some will be virtual and if you prefer you can join some in person events. Some of them might enjoy a hobby that you like. It could be bird watching, video games or great restaurants. Reach out to these types of groups where you know that you're going to focus on a topic that you already like, so you can start to build easy connections that way. You really have to look for ways you can put yourself out there and connect with other people, and then make it a continuous thing that you do. Just like I have with my call with my friend. Be honest about where you're at because if people don't know that you need to hear from them or want to spend time together then nothing happens. And with all of the people you choose to have in your life know that you can also, design relationships, create some boundaries, an of course open up about how you’re doing. Read more of my blogs here:
1. D.R.I.V.E.: 5 Ways to Motivate Yourself 2. The Power of Baby Steps 3. 10 Honestly GOOD habits to have I have a woman in my community, Diane Webster, who asked me “How can I go about getting a mentor?” Great question! The first step is to ask yourself:
When you say mentor, usually people mean someone who will volunteer their time to support you, but a similar person who will support you is a coach, or maybe a consultant or an advisor. How do you decide whether you need a mentor or a coach/consultant? Coaching/Consulting If you're wanting someone to give you guidance, give you advice on your business, then you really should be paying the person for their expertise. Also, if you’ll meet every week or every other week and you really want them to be holding you accountable and teaching or guiding you along the way (and they're not someone higher up in your company) you should be hiring them. Mentoring Now, if it's just someone that you want to check in with, talk things over with, maybe once a month, then there are some organizations that have mentorship services that are part of membership. One of them that I know of is The Forum (previously known as FWE or Forum for Women Entrepreneurs). You sign up. You are a member, and then you can become a mentee in their mentor program. They'll match you with someone based on your goals. But again, you need to know:
I've actually done their program before as a mentee, which is really nice because I spend so much of my time as a mentor and coach. Even though I do have coaches that I hire for specific things, it was nice just to have someone to chat to. Since I'm really passionate about supporting women, especially in male-dominated industries, I was paired up with a woman who was very high up in a very powerful international software development company. She was a smart cookie, and it was really interesting to chat with her about her experience as a woman in tech. Every month, I shared with her what I was working on. Then she would ask me things like, “Well, have you thought of this?” Or “Did you know that the industry is kind of like this?” Because I had no idea about software tech companies, it was very helpful. Again:
Another Option If you don't find a mentor through one of these programs and you don't want to hire a coach, advisor, or a consultant, and you see someone that you wish could mentor you, then you have to go to them with a really good proposal. I've had people come to me and say, “I would really like to talk with you about starting my coaching practice and where I should get certified. Can I ask you a few questions?.” I replied, “Sure, go for a hike with me and you can ask me anything.” They come to my neighbourhood and as we hike, I encourage them to start recording on their phone, so we walk and talk.” I've mentored people that way. However, I've had some people in the past email me and say, “I want to run a successful business. Can you be my mentor and tell me the steps I need to take?” In this case, I felt they should hire me because I would take my 10 years of knowledge and dilute it down for them. I would make it super easy and share all of my documents with them and all of my best practices and everything that's worked well for me. That deserves to be paid for because that's asking a lot from someone. A lot of people will approach me or whoever they want to be mentored by or want a favor from, and they lead with their bib on. This is a concept one of my coaches, James, taught me and it’s a sure fire easy to get “NO” for an answer. Imagine taking a napkin and sticking it in your shirt like a bib and saying, “I'm coming to you for you to serve me.” I hear that all the time. For example, if you want to be a guest on the Dynamic Women Podcast, don't email me and tell me how amazing you are, how your content is the best and you just released a book my audience should buy. That's coming at me with a bib on. Instead, email me and tell me how amazing the show is, and share that you've actually listened to an episode and tell me why my people would have great results from listening to what you say. If you want a mentor, you need to come at them with the napkin on your arm to serve, like a waiter does in a fancy restaurant. Go in with the intention to serve, for example, the mentor is really passionate about working for a specific charity, and you know that or this mentor has a new book out, why don't you:
Then after you have focused on them, you have earned a moment to talk about yourself. Don't go in with a bib on. Go in with the idea to serve first because really, you're asking them to serve you. Make it a no-brainer. If you just say, “I want you to mentor me,” that makes them work to understand what that means. Make it easy. Lay it all out. Give or ask information like:
Generally, people are open to that kind of request and they'll be more generous. I’d agree to the 30 minutes, but then I usually give them more time. We’d chat for an hour or more and then I’d offer a follow-up call, and I’ll end up sharing some more stuff. But if you come in looking for everything, you probably will get nothing. If that talk goes well then you can propose to have them be your mentor. Again go to them with a plan of how often and for how long you would like to chat with them. As a mentee, also go into every conversation with an agenda. Don't make the mentor work hard for you. When you are prepared, they can just show up and be in their brilliance with you. The last piece is to agree to a duration of the mentor/mentee relationship. It can sound like this, “I hope that we could meet for 1 hour, once a month over Zoom for six months. I'll send you the agenda in advance and send you the calendar request and Zoom link.” When you make it super easy for them, they are happy to mentor you. So all the best with finding your mentor, I trust that I've given you a bunch of different options to go with.
And if you need a coach instead reach out [email protected]. Read more of my blogs here: 1. Do Coaches Need Coaches (Part 1): Yes 2. Do Coaches Need Coaches (Part 2): No and Maybe 3. The First 3 Things You Need From a GREAT Mentor or Coach (part 1) |
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