Now with a newborn, a three year old, no daycare and no family here, I join the thousands of other busy moms. Then add on the fact that I run my own business and networking group I have now become STUPID busy. Are you STUPID busy? That’s when you are so busy, that when you have a moment to catch up you’re so overwhelmed with everything that has to be done you just sit there looking stunned. You ask yourself, “Where do I start first?” This was me a few weeks ago, when I was finally given a few hours kid free to work my biz. I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t lack motivation. I wanted to work and wanted to get stuff done. You probably want to get stuff done too. And no matter if you have kids or not we all find ourselves in OVERLY busy mode at some point in our lives. We have too many things to do and only one pair of hands. I could go into…
But today all you need is a simple tip to get you started. One tool to use so you don’t feel overwhelmed by overwhelm. Choose your top three business goals for the year and focus on them! Why does this help? Well, many times our “to do” list includes: 1. Other people’s goals. Feeling obligated to do things for others might mean when are spending more time building their business than our own. 2. Goals from other areas of life outside of our business. So suddenly we have to research recipes because we’re eating clean or declutter our closets when we really need to focus on the business. 3. Millions of tasks. Yes tasks must be accomplished, but at first seeing a million unrelated tasks on a daily list sets us up for failure. We really only need a few tasks underneath those main goals. Stop the overwhelm! Pick those three things you want to accomplish in your business. Is it to build a website, develop your new product, write a book, build your team, or make a specific amount of profit? Then start there. Let that guide you. Otherwise you’ll start to take on more “shiny objects”, over commit yourself to requests and opportunities and in general work your way back into the corner of overwhelm. The point is to have that clear vision of the bigger picture of what you want to accomplish. Your mind will thank you. You’ll get more done. And you’ll feel clear minded and confident moving forward. What three things are you focusing on this year for your business? Share with me below. Mwah! Diane P.S. Let me know what other questions you have in accomplishing your goals or how I can help. I’m always here to answer your question and to provide tips and coaching tools to move you forward.
While working with a client the other day on her business plan I realized I couldn’t remember the wording for the vision for my networking group. I had to look it up. Then I felt that it wasn’t entirely accurate anymore. That made me realize I had been neglecting my vision for it. Your business vision or vision statement has a lot of impact because it’s a picture of your company in the future. It’s the dream destination you’re working towards. Answering the question, “Where am I or where is my business going?” But for so many entrepreneurs and business owners it starts to gather dust on the wall or gets stuck on the pages it’s written. I’ll admit mine is tucked in my Business Plan. You might be thinking – what is mine again? Envisioning where you’re going is a powerful coaching tool I use with my clients. Whether it be generally in your life or in one of the ten specific areas like your marriage, your health or your finances it’s beneficial. And for the business vision it’s one of the first things you create as part of your business plan. Then why do we neglect it once it’s made? Rather than focusing on why we don’t look at it, we’ll spend time seeing the benefits to why we should. It’s more fun and will probably make us more motivated to make our business vision front and centre. Here are 5 reasons to pay attention to your business vision: 1. We all thrive from inspiration. That’s what your Business Vision is best used for! Some days can be hard when something goes wrong or when we work an 18hr day, so having that dream image can keep us going. 2. Your vision statement can be used as a framework for your strategic planning. You need a frame to hold all of your plans and without it you lose the backbone to your business. 3. Then the vision will help you when making decisions and keep you on track with where you spend your money and other resources. 4. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we’re doing day-to-day that we forget what our first or bigger intention was to starting a business. Having the vision reminds you of what you’re working to build. 5. A vision statement helps to keep you and your employees or members know where you’re going. So how can you not neglect your business vision? 1. Make it more prominent. Create a poster for your office. Have it printed out and on your planner. Make it your screen saver. Put it on a post it for the start of every week. Read it and then move it to the following Monday. 2. Share it with your employees and those who you hire. When people like your coach, web designer, accountant etc. see your vision too they’ll be able to better support you and drive your business towards your vision. 3. Have a date with it. Mark it in your calendar to revisit it quarterly or even better monthly. Include it in your reviews. Ask yourself, “What have I done to move towards this vision? Am I on track? And what do I now want to do to get closer to my vision?” If you’re already doing these things, then BRAVO! If not bring at least one in so you can reap the benefits of giving attention to your vision and make your business dream a reality. Mwah! Diane P.S. Share below what your business vision is. And let us know what you do to give it the attention it deserves. This is something we can all do in our life and business. It doesn't need lots of money, time or energy, but more of a mind shift to bring this tip into your life. I have done this this year and it's really helped me to get better results, be happier and create more time and space in my life. It's the last of the videos in the series of tips for knowing if you're succeeding in life. If you missed the other tips check out my previous videos. Mwah! Diane Here is another tip about what successful people know about creating their best life and the experiences that bring them success. You might be acting as a victim - Change from that role into a more powerful one. Watch this video to see what I mean. Want more tips on how to know if you're successful? See my previous videos from December and stay tuned next week! Mwah! Diane |
December 2024
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