We all have feelings of jealousy of others in life and business. But how do we work through it? Instead of letting it rage in me or paralyze me I like to use it to fuel my fire instead. I could be embarrassed to say I get jealous or I could just share this with you so you don't feel alone in it and can use it to your advantage. xo Diane
Let's get real. What should your #1 priority be? Well, what I focus on in this video is often last on our list or even gets forgotten. This is also one part of my "Key 2 Success" Workshop because it relates to one of the 3 Dangerous Trends that Professional Women Face that keep them overworked, overwhelmed and pulled in a million directions. Did you want to know more about this and hear the other two? Then I'll gift you tickets. Just go to the following link and pre-register. http://www.dianerolston.com/key2success.html xo Diane Yes I said it! As I first mentioned in my last video I was a perfectionist and I had to go through a few experiences in order to let it go. That doesn't mean that I don't still struggle with perfectionism paralysis, but now I have a new mindset around it and want the same for all of the perfectionists out there. In this video I share these changes in perspective and how you can apply them too. xo Diane Feeling busy is common in today's society; we're fitting more in and taking on more tasks. I used to be overly busy and now I work hard to use two techniques to move past it. In this video I'll share these two with you and reveal a secret about my videos. xo Diane Yes, we just got finished with our summer, but I'll share what I mean by take another vacation. It's important for you as professional and for your personal happiness. You'll probably even end up getting more done. I'm not making this up! Ill tell you how. Enjoy! xo Diane |
January 2025
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