There is something really unique from the vantage point of being a mompreneur that nobody else has. Do you know what it is? It’s the opportunity to witness the power of small steps. We get to watch our babies master their skills little by little and hit developmental milestones. And it turns out, when we follow that example in our business and take small steps that scare us, we nurture our own confidence and growth from a place of ease and joy instead of fear. Wait a second, I actually reduce my fear by taking small, scary steps? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying! I’ve just reached six years in business and my growth has kept pace with my daughters’. I was still in the early stages of business startup when she was born. In my newborn stage I wasn’t completely secure or confident in all areas of my business. But fortunately, I observed how to gain confidence through taking small steps at a time. My growth has unfolded in the process of reasonably pushing my boundaries a little further every month. I like to make that distinction because so often I encounter clients who go after these massively huge goals with a lot of excitement and then fear shows up and stops them dead in their tracks. Can you relate? Let me share a few reasons as to why this happens and a few tools you can use to shift your perspective and start harnessing the power of small, scary steps. How we perceive goals makes a big impact in what we do with them and how we act (or don’t). Somewhere along the way we bought into the story that goals have to be HUGE to be ‘good enough’. We also adopted the belief that the outcome of the goal is the only point. We believe the result we create is the only thing that dictates success or failure. Do you hate setting goals? Could it be because of these beliefs? Let’s shift perspective by considering:
Can you think back to watching your child go from rolling over to sitting up? There were lots of small developments in between. And learning to sit was a precursor to developing the core muscles needed to walk. It makes sense that when goals are out of proportion to where you are now with the skills and resources you have, you may commit to a huge goal but not be able to follow through. Do this enough times and your trust in your own abilities takes a nosedive. Here are some suggestions:
By consistently doing things that are a little bit scary you work up your confidence muscle in pace with who you are becoming. You give yourself time to catch up to your striving. When I first started doing free discovery calls, I was a little terrified of pitching my coaching services. But the more I practiced this, the easier it got until there was no emotion attached to it at all. Do you think shifting your perspective on goal setting and using small powerful steps could make your business growth feel easier? I’ve noticed it certainly changes the nature of how we do things and how much joy and confidence we feel when we do. Approaching ourselves with the same nurturing touch we give our kids makes room for celebrating our growth too. Mwah!
I have found vision boarding to be a successful tool I use to coach my clients. The process involves cutting and pasting pictures of all that you desire on a simple bristle board. The attraction comes from consistently visualizing these pictures every day and seeing them as your reality. Witness the attraction and success of Fatima Sumur and how she visualized her dreams into reality with her blog post …“The Power of Visioning Your Dream and Future.” Here's a little from Fatima's Blog: "There are two trains of thoughts when it comes to living a life of all the luxuries and dreams. One is through the traditional approach go to school get a good 9-5 job and stick to a detailed life plan based on others thoughts and expectations as to what will make you happy. The other approach is through envisioning your dream future through vision boards and a constitutional declaration of what makes you euphoric and having faith in yourself and God/Source. Both methods do require you to put effort, work and energy into them." Please click here to read more. Mwah!
A blessing in disguise, in my pursuit to find balance in my life, I learned a strategy that is now a program I teach my clients. Hear Johanna Hunt’s experience and how she overcame her need to find balance in her business, in her blog post…”Never Get So Busy Making a Living That You Forget To Live Your Life…” Read Johanna's first paragraph ... "This month I celebrated my 4th year in business. I’m big at reflecting on whats working and whats not working on a regular basis, and you may remember from some of my past blogs, I was starting to feel stuck in my business, and wondering what direction I was heading. It is not that I feared I was not going to reach the goals I had set out but was finding that I wanted to enjoy my journey more." Please Click Here to Read More ... Mwah!
Love it or hate it social media is a key marketing tool for your business. We use it to inform, educate, persuade and convert. Facebook ads, posts and comments. Twitter tweets, favorites and chats. Instagram. Periscope. Need I go on? There are a lot of options and each platform can have it’s own purpose. You may use one to build your network while another to sell and yet another to drive traffic to your website. Do you know what the purpose is for each of your platforms? I’m not going to pretend that I’m a social media buff or a marketing maven, but I am in the business of asking powerful questions. Making you come up with answers so you can have clarity, gain confidence and get into action. So I’m curious, what does your activity on social media say about you? What does it tell potential customers about your business? What is it confirming in your clients? Try this activity: Go onto each of your platforms and scroll through your feed. You can do this with your business, your personal one or both.
These 2 are creating a snap shot of a potential experience for a client, colleague or future customer. Obviously, if the purpose isn’t what you had hoped. For example, if you hoped to educate, but every other post is a sales pitch then you’re not living up to your purpose. It’s time to re-evaluate.
Is the way you show up in-line with your brand? Do those 3 words really describe you and/or your business? If not, work with the person in charge of your social media (so maybe you’re chatting with yourself) to re-establish the way you want to come across online. Then create your content according to that. Remember that it’s great to get in action around tasks, but better to know exactly what your intention is 1st then move with purpose. Then review every now and again to make sure you haven’t deviated. I’d love to know your brands 3 words. Share below! Mwah! |
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