Happy New Year! Happy 2024! Thinking about how to start off the year on the right foot? I've got seven tips for you. By going through these different pieces, it's going to prepare you to:
Basically, all the things you're wanting, especially after the way the past few years have been. As I go through these tips, take some notes, and write them down. I'm going to give you different tips for you to implement. Also, in case you missed it, the doors are open for the Dynamic Year Program, that’s definitely how you’re going to not only be able to set a really great foundation for 2024, but also create your dynamic blueprint. The plan includes your theme, your goals, and all the other pieces, needed to have the dynamic year that you deserve. So check it out here. Tip #1: Make yourself a priority and organize your space This is actually two-fold, and it's more about yourself and your space so that you can really get into all the other six points. The first one is to make yourself a priority - your self-care. Now is the time to be able to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This could include things like:
Or whatever it is to really recenter yourself. Give yourself that rest, relaxation, and recharge that is needed to start the year right. I know you've been really busy probably over the holiday season, and we want to ease in and ensure we're all set to go. Get organized is the other piece of it. Starting off the new year with a clean, organized space can really help you to feel more productive and be more focused. Take some time to declutter. You can donate a bunch of stuff or sell things off, and do a general cleaning of your home and work space. If you’re worried that, “I’ve got to get down to business, Diane, it is chaos in here!” then I have one recommendation. Go to your local store and pick up some bins or get some cardboard boxes. If your desk is a mess, throw stuff in it. If the side of your bed is a mess, throw stuff in it. Do this if you don't have the time to put things away properly right now, and you need to start working instead. Empty those spaces so that you have an opportunity to have clarity, and then set time in your calendar when you'll focus on emptying those boxes, maybe 10 minutes every day, moving forward. Tip #2: Take some time to reflect Now that you've got yourself recharged and your space ready, we want to have some time to reflect on the past year. This is something that we do in the Dynamic Year Program. I have a really amazing, proven step-by-step formula in order to take you through this. Let me just explain what it is so that you have that in your mind right now. Take some time to think about every area of your life over the past year. What worked well for you and what didn't work well for you, and you're going to use this reflection time to educate yourself. In our process, we grab the wisdom, and we do all the steps so you can use this to create your goals and priorities for the next year. Reflecting on the past year is not just about what were the good and bad things, it's more intricate about what got you there, who were you being, and what were you doing. Tip #3: Celebrate your successes Don’t just look at what went well or bad in the past year or what worked and didn’t work, and figure out what you’d do better next time. Instead, when you capture the great things that happened, spend some time to celebrate them. It's really important that we celebrate our achievements. I see so often that high-achieving A-type of clients of mine, they're like, “Yeah, achieved that. Check. Next. Yep, achieved that. Check. Next.” They don't spend time to celebrate. If you have listened to me talk about the motivation mountain, it's so important to celebrate these successes when we're at the top of the mountain because at some point we’re going to have to run down the mountain, and then up the next one. That process can be tiring. As you go towards another goal, you can get tired, but when you celebrate your achievements, you can actually feel what it's like to be on top. You feel those moments of success, and it's going to help you to get through the hard times when you say, “I need some energy, inspiration, perseverance. I need to know I can do this.” The motivation and confidence from celebrating can help carry us to the top of the next goal. So celebrate the successes at the high points, to get through the lows. It's also going to help you feel good about your progress, and feel good about yourself. Celebrate all types of achievements, big and small. Tip #4: Set specific and achievable goals Once you've done those steps, it's time to start setting some goals. There are a few more steps that I do in the Dynamic Year Program before we make goals, like setting your theme, values, guidelines, and new paradigm, but for this I’ll share about setting specific achievable goals for the new year. Obviously, we want SMART goals. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) or I like to add the E and R as well. E is for Evaluation, and R is for Review and Redo if needed. When you make your goals, create them for all areas of your life. I use the Wheel of Life - a professional coaching tool. My wheel has 10 areas on it (If you want a copy of it, please send my team an email at [email protected] or email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Wheel of Life Please”) and that's going to help you create specific goals in every area of your life, like your career, your personal development, your health, and your relationships, etc. without going against goals in other areas. When you have clearly defined goals, SMARTER goals that are written down, it's going to give you direction, and it's also going to give you motivation. Tip #5: Reach out for support In going through all of these tips, you might have thought ‘Oh, that's a lot to do on my own’ so the next tip is to reach out for support. You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help or support. It's actually a smart thing to do. How many people out there who are in sports just try to do it all themselves? They don't. They have coaches. They have trainers. They have different people that support them, and the same goes for your goal setting. This will help you have a process for the end of the year, going into the new year, and even creating goals. Don't be afraid to ask for help or support when you need it. Maybe it's from friends, from family, or from a professional (like me), but having someone to talk to and lean on can be so helpful in achieving your goals and staying on track. Smart people get support. How many CEOs out there are doing everything on their own? If you're a small business owner, you're probably trying to do it all on your own. But Fortune 500 companies, big companies, and successful multi-billion dollar companies have support to get things done and for strategy. Tip #6: Create a plan for achieving your goals A lot of times people make goals and that's amazing. If you write them down, they get closer to being living goals, but if you don't have a plan for your goals, you probably won't be able to achieve them. If you do, it's based on luck, or a fluke, or you're not going to be as efficient as you possibly could. Personally, I love making dynamic goals. One goal that, if planned properly, will help you achieve up to five goals. Doesn't that sound amazing? I'm all about efficiency and productivity, and that's the way to do it. I do that with my clients in the Dynamic Year Program. When you do look at your goals, how can you plan to focus on that one goal and have it help you to achieve multiple goals? It is possible. With your plan, it’s really important to break your goals down into actionable steps. A lot of times goals feel way too big, but if your goal is to make an extra $100,000 this year, and you're feeling like, “How am I ever going to do that?” Well, you're not going to do it by January, but what you could do is make $9,000 every month, that works out to an extra $2,000 a week. Could you do that? Now it's starting to sound more possible. So what are the steps and the actions to get there? Does that sound a little bit more achievable and doable? That's why we want to break them down and have a plan to get there so that in November and December, we're not in that crunch time and super stressed about not being able to get there. It's not just enough to have the goal, you need to know how to make it into actionable steps. Tip #7: Let go of negative habits and thoughts As you're going through all these steps, I'm guessing you've heard limiting beliefs, the saboteur, or little gremlin on your shoulder, saying negative things to you. My last tip is to let go of negative habits and thoughts. As you do these steps, if you hear something, write it down because if there are negative habits or thoughts that are holding you back, you have to make a special effort to let them go. If the negative thought is, “How can I ever achieve that?” Write that down. Now, you need to answer that, "How can I ever achieve that?” or “I'm not smart enough”. Okay, well, what will make you smarter? Do you need to do research? Do you need to hire someone to help you? Do you need to read a book about it? What is going to help you to get there? If you have bad habits, like procrastination, scrolling through Facebook, or any social media platform endlessly, hours at a time, or even minutes at a time when you want to be doing other things. Maybe another bad habit is not eating right, not drinking enough water, or not sleeping enough. We need to let go of these negative habits in January, so that we have a chance for the rest of the year, to be able to really push through and get everything done that we want to achieve. The key thing is, I want you to get to the end of the year and look back and say, “Wow, that was the best year ever. I thought last year was pretty good. But this year was amazing.” To get to the end of the year and have no regrets, “I was so good. I did what I wanted to do.” I know that sometimes you set certain things to do, and it doesn't pan out how you wanted it to, but there'll be other things that you’ll achieve along the way and if you are able to do these seven things, I promise you, you're going to have a better year. If you can do these things in January, even better, set some time in your calendar to be able to go through and do these. Wrapping Up I hope that these seven tips are going to help you start off the new year on a positive note. I'm trusting that by going through these tips you're going to have an even better year. Now, if you want to have a dynamic year, I encourage you to check out the Dynamic Year™ program. Come join me and a bunch of other dynamic leaders to not only coming up with your goals, but being able to properly review the year to grab the golden nuggets and create your Dynamic Life Blueprint. I have a bunch of tools in the dynamic year plan will help you as the year goes on, to make better decisions, to be more confident to have a better plan in place, and then to have quarterly check-ins throughout the year to keep you accountable. That's what the program offers. Check it out. I really would love to see you in there. Until next time, stay dynamic and have a wonderful happy new year! Take care. Read my other blogs:
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