When you make goals, it is absolutely critical that you feel confident about being able to achieve them. But the problem often starts in the making of the goals. There could be three problems in making your goals that are really killing your confidence. These are the problems I often see in my clients. Reason 1: You Set Reactive Goals You look at what's happening in your world and react, “Oh my gosh, I'm going to have to do this, and I have to do that.” Let's say you see someone on social media doing videos with multiple angle shots. So all of a sudden, the goal is to invest in another camera and learn how to edit cool videos even though you don’t have a Facebook strategy. Or you jump into action after receiving an email sharing how someone is looking for a speaker in a few months and you think, “Oh I better make a presentation so I can tell them I could speak for them.” Even though it’s not your area of expertise. Oftentimes, there are many problems when we pursue goals that were made by being reactive:
We’re missing an important question for confidence, “What's my big plan?” Reason 2: When You Set Your Goals, You're Not Thinking about Designing Your Life Now, what do I mean by this? Well, I'm a trained and certified life coach. We look at designing the whole life, all 10 areas. If you design the whole life first, then you can fit your goals in. But what often happens is we make goals out of ambition, pressure, ego or because it’s a shiny object. The trouble is it's a surface level goal that doesn’t go deeper into what we really want and the goal ends up negatively affecting our life. When you realize how a goal takes you away from other things you want, it’s easy to put it off or sabotage it. This leads me to number three. Reason 3: The Goals are Created on our Own Hey, all the power to you if you want to make your goals on your own. But the problem with that is it carries with it limiting beliefs. Imagine horses with blinders on. If you are creating your own goals with no outside support, you could be held back by your limiting beliefs. You'll also be limited in your awareness of what opportunities and what possibilities are out there. I had a conversation with a friend of mine after church. She's restarting her business. She was sharing with me a few changes she was making and a few goals she had to make more money. I shared with two product packaging companies she could maybe switch over to to make her packaging cheaper. I also gave her a couple of ideas she could do when she goes to markets to enhance the number of people who are going to be learning about her products. She replied, “Oh, I didn't think about all that, I'm so glad we talked”. This shows how a conversation with the right person can help you choose the right goals for your life and business. When you make goals on your own, they're based on your own reality. Either limited by your lack of self-belief or lack of knowledge. In my next blog, I will share with you three solutions that you can easily implement so you can be confident with your goals. P.S. If you want to be a more balanced leader, I encourage you to download the Balance Leader Cheatsheet.
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