Last week we looked at the assets we have in our life or business that we can use to reach expert status or be #1 in what we do. That’s just one part of how using your #1 or expert status to grow your business. You also need to show up with the right attitude and mindset! Today, we’re going to look at how being unforgettable can help you boost your business. This starts with getting clarity around your point of view. What’s Your Point of View? Let’s say you own a dog food company. What is your point of view about dog food? I'm sure you've seen the commercials where they compare two brands of dog food: the cheaper brand in a larger “Costco-sized” bag and the smaller more expensive bag with higher quality ingredients. One advertiser’s point of view is that dog food should only contain high-quality ingredients that a human would eat. The other food company believes the convenience of buying larger bags for cheaper is more important. One believes our pets’ needs are more important than their owners, and the other believes the opposite. I won’t get into the debate over who is right. That’s not why I brought up this example. It’s just to illustrate distinct points of view. Making Your Point of View Memorable The question you need to ask yourself is, “Is your point of view is important and memorable enough that magazines, newspapers, radio, and bloggers would pick up your story?” When you share your point of view with the world, are you using words that everyone else is using? On one hand, using the same words is great because you know it’s something people are already searching for in your niche, but what can you add to your messaging and point of view to be memorable? For example, everyone “universally” believes that “Goal setting is good”. If I was being interviewed about goal setting and I just regurgitated what other experts said, without adding my own spin or point of view, would that make me memorable? Nope! Instead, what if I said, “Having goals is a waste of time”? You might hear me and think, “Oh, why are you saying that Diane? You’re a coach and you should know better!” I said something that made you curious. If that was a title of a blog or a podcast, you'd be like, “Yeah right! Then prove it Diane!” I would then need to back-up my point of view. This unique perspective made people stop and think. That's more interesting. It's more memorable than saying the exact same thing as someone else. What if I said, “Having success in life is not important?” Hmm… if you heard this come out of my mouth you’d probably wonder, “What? So, what is important then?” Even Be Memorable as an Interviewer Let’s relate this back to being #1. You need to be memorable to be #1. When you go into an interview, or when you're doing your social media content, this is where you can stand out. And even if you're interviewing others, you still need to make sure you stand out in some way. Otherwise you're going to become the invisible host. When we look at people like David Letterman, Jay Leno, Ellen DeGeneres, and Oprah, they are hosts that we remember – because of their unique and often bold perspective. The key thing to remember is that even when you are the interviewer, you need to make sure that you stand it with your own unique point of view. This is going to make you a present, non-invisible host that people remember and love. Now think back to your life or business. Are you memorable when you attend parties or events? When you’re interviewed somewhere? When people meet you? What is it that they remember about you? The fact of the matter is that if they don't remember you, they can't do business with you. They can't call you up when they need someone in that industry, because they don't remember you. Becoming Memorable So how can you make yourself memorable? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Be Unique in Your First Impression The first thing you can do is have a solid handshake. Then focus on how you can be magnetic at that event (being magnetic is one of the nine pillars of being a Dynamic Woman). This means that when you meet someone, you say their name back to them. When you say things like, “It’s lovely to meet you,” does your face genuinely light up? How can you be unique in that moment or how can you make them feel like they're the most important person in the world? Is it going to be your humor, your kindness, your calming demeanor, the poignant things you’ve said? Are you a great listener or did you say something memorable in the moment? This doesn’t mean you have to be an extrovert if that’s not who you are. It doesn't mean you need to be the smartest or most powerful person in the room. It just means that you look for ways to make others feel special in the moment. What makes you memorable could be something about your wardrobe or hair? Maybe your business card is unique? This is so important because you want them to think of you when they need your product or service. You also want them to think of you when someone they know is asking for your product or service. And when they think of your industry, they think of you because you are the best. You are number one. Use the Word “THE” Want another easy thing you can do to be memorable? No matter what industry you're in, no matter if you have a product or service. Start using the word “THE” before you introduce what you’re an expert in. Now you're not going to say you are “the expert at sales” because that kind of sounds like you’re claiming to be best in the world at this (which you may not actually be). Instead, make it a little more specific. For example, if sales is your expertise, be more specific about the type of sales: online sales, direct sales, sales to groups, high end sales, or home sales. Pick one and just add “the expert at” to the beginning. Now, obviously you should do it with integrity, so if you say you are the best at something, you need to be able to back this up with examples, results, or testimonials. When you make it specific to your unique talent or your unique skill, you will stand out and be memorable. And when you stand out people know how to buy from you and you are top of mind for opportunities. If you don’t have any way to back up a #1 or “best at” claim (you haven’t won any awards or recognition), you could say things like “one of the leading…” or “one of the best…” Alternatively, you could say “I do [this] in my business” or “I do [insert product/service here].” For example.. Hi, I’m Diane Rolston and I’m “the expert at helping women to be dynamic” or I’m “the expert at leading a dynamic life.” How do I know this? I am coach, an author, a podcaster, speaker, and I lead a women's community. All these things are under the theme of being a dynamic woman, the theme of leading a dynamic life, the theme of empowering women to be dynamic, so I can say that I’m an expert at it and still be in integrity. So what are you an expert at? Use your expertise to be memorable and have a specific point of view, so that you stand out and use your assets to help you attain all of this. At the end of the day, this works no matter where you are in your business journey: whether you're just starting out, looking to scale, planning to sell, or seeking for a promotion at work. It’s important to move ahead in a way that's highly successful. Now get out there and make yourself memorable!
1 Comment
1/11/2020 06:51:46 pm
in all aspects of life, we should always aim to be the best. We all know that the ones getting noticed are the best ones that's why we should always strive to be the best. In terms of business, there are different qualities that we need to improve in order for us to be at our best. That's why we should always aim for the best! Business is a complicated world; and if you are not ready to go extra mile for it, you will never succeed!
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